Advanced Analytics for Pipedrive

Integrate Pipedrive data with Zoho Analytics to understand the sales conversion process, assess sales representatives' performance, identify reasons that contribute to customer churn, and develop strategies to mitigate them.

This integration comes with prebuilt reports and dashboards that help you get started with the analysis. Track key metrics like average deal size, average sales cycle, and much more.

Setting up the integration

A user with administrator privileges (Account admin, Org admin, and Workspace admin) can configure the integration.


  • The initial fetch might take a few minutes depending on the volume of the data to be imported. An email and an in-app notification will be sent, once the initial fetch is complete.
  • The setup process can sometimes fail for a variety of reasons. In this case we request you to access the Data source tab and click the retry link to import again. If the issue persists then write to

Modules and Fields

The below table lists the modules and fields that will be synced to Zoho Analytics.

ActivitiesActivity ID, Activity Done, Type, Subject, Assigned to user, Conference Meeting Client, Conference Meeting URL Conference Meet, Due Date, Due Time, Busy Flag, Add Time, Marked As Done, Public Description, Organisation, Contact person, Deal, Updated Time, Updated User ID, Source Timezone, Lead, Apartment/suite no of Location, House number of Location, Street/road name, District/sublocality, Location Locality, Location Admin,  Area 1, Region of Location, Location Country, Location Postal Code, Full/combined address of location, Busy Flag Status, Activity Duration, Overdue Activities, Location, Duration
Activity AttendeesActivity ID, Email ID, Name, Status, Is Organizer, Attendee Person ID, Attendee User ID
Activity ParticipantsActivity ID, Participant Person, Primary Flag
Activity Types Activity Types ID, Name, Key Name, Active Flag, Custom Flag, Add time, Update Time
Call LogsLog ID, Activity ID, Organization ID, Person ID, Deal ID, Duration, Outcome, Phone Number, Has Recording, Start Time, End Time, User ID
CurrenciesCurrency ID, Currency Code, Name, Symbol, Decimal Points, Active Flag, Custom Flag
Deal FollowersFollower ID, User ID, Deal ID, Add Time
Deal Label AssociationDeal ID, Label
Deal LabelsLabel ID, Label, Color
Deal ParticipantsParticipant ID, Person ID, Deal ID, Active Status, Added By
Deal ProductsID,Deal ID, Product ID, Product Variation ID, Name, Duration Unit, Formatted Sum, Formatted Quantity, Tax, Comments, Last Edit Time, Add Time, Enabled Flag, Active Flag, Currency, Sum, Duration, Item Price, Quantity, Discount Percentage
DealsDeal ID, Contact person, Organisation, Pipeline ID, Stage, Owner, Creator, Next Activity Subject, Products Count, Files Count, Notes Count, Followers Count, Email messages count, Total activities, Done activities, Activities to do, Participants Count, Expected Close Date, First Won Time, Next Activity Type, Next Activity Duration, Next Activity Note, Currency of Weighted value, Rotten Time, CC Email, Organization Hidden, Person Hidden, Title, Value Currency, Stage Change Time, Active, Status, Probability, Next Activity Date, Next Activity Time, Next Activity ID, Last Activity ID, Last Activity Date, Lost reason, Formatted Value Add Time, Update Time, Weighted value, Formatted Weighted Value, Won Time, Lost Time, Close Time, Stagechange, Age in Days, Age Tier, Amount Tier
Goal IntervalsGoal ID, Start Date, End Date, Target
GoalsGroup ID, Parent Group ID, Name, Active Flag, Assignment Count, SubGroup Count, Level, Description
Goals Activity TypeGoal ID, Activity Type ID
GroupsGroup ID, Parent Group ID, Name, Active Flag, Assignment Count, Sub Group Count, Level, Description
Label IDName, Label Color, Add Time, Update Time
LeadsLead ID, Title, Person ID, Organization ID, Creator ID, Owner ID, Visible to, Amount, Currency, Expected Close Date, archived, Source Name, Seen, Next Activity ID, Add Time, Update Time, CC Email
NotesNote ID, Active Flag, Project ID,Content, Organization, Contact person, Deal title, User, Lead, Add Time, Update Time, Pinned to Deal Flag, Pinned to Person Flag, Pinned to Organization Flag, Pinned to Lead Flag, Pinned to Project Flag, Last Update User ID.
Organization FollowersFollower ID, User ID, Organization ID, Add Time.
Organization LabelLabel ID, Label, Color
OrganizationsOrganizations ID, Owner, Next Activity ID, Name, Open deals count, Closed deals, Related Closed Deals count, Email messages count, Total activities, Done activities, activities to do, Files count, Notes count, Followers count, Won deals, Related Won deals, Lost deals, Related Lost deal, Active Flag, People count, Category ID, Country Code, First character, Update Time, Add Time, Last Activity ID, Label ID, Address, Apartment/ suite address, House number of address, Street/road name, District/sublocality of Address, City/town/village, Address Admin Area level 1, Region of address, Address country, Address Postal Code, Full/ combined address of address, CC Email, Related Open Deals, Next Activity Date, Last Activity Date, Next Activity Time
Permission SetsPermission Set ID, Name, Assignment Count, App, Type
Person EmailPerson ID, Label, Email ID, Primary
Person followersFollower ID, User ID, Person ID, Add Time
Persons LabelLabel ID, Label, Color
Person Phone NumberPerson ID, Label, Primary, Phone
PersonsPerson ID, Name, Organization, Owner, Person created, Update time,Visible to, Won deals, Lost deals, Closed deals, Total activities, Done activities, Activities to do, Email messages count, Last email received, Last email sent, First name, Last name, Open Deals Count,Next Activity Date, Next Activity Time,Last Activity Date,Updated Time, Added Time, Label ID, Related Open Deals Count, Related Closed Deals Count, Participant Open Deals Count, Participant Closed Deals Count, Files Count, Notes Count,Followers Count, Related Won Deals Count, Related Lost Deals Count, Next Activity ID, Last Activity ID, Cc Email
PipelinesPipeline Name, Deal Probability, Pipeline ID, URL Title, Is Active, Added Time, Updated Time, Is Selected
Product CategoryCategory ID, Label
Product FollowersFollower ID, User ID, Product ID, Add Time
Product PricesPrice ID, Product ID, Price, Currency, Cost, Overhead Cost
Product VariationProduct Variation ID, Name, Product ID, Description
Product Variation PricesVariation Price ID, Product ID, Product Variation ID, Currency, Cost, Comment, Price, Price Formatted
ProductsProduct ID,Tax,Category ID,Active Flag,Selectable,Files Count,Add Time,Update Time,Name,Product code,Visible to,Unit,Description,Owner
StagesStage ID, Stage Name, Active Flag, Deal Probability,Pipeline ID, Rotten Flag, Rotten Days, Updated Time, Add Time
Subscription PaymentPayment ID,Subscription ID, Deal ID, Active Status, Currency, Description, Add Time, Update Time, Amount, Due Date, Revenue Movement Type, Payment Type
SubscriptionSubscription ID, User ID, Deal ID, Active Status, Cycle Amount, Cycle Count, Infinite, Currency, Start Date, End Date, Description, Add Time, Update Time, Lifetime Value, Interval, Final Status
Team UsersTeam ID, User ID
TeamsTeam ID, Team Name, Description, Manager ID, Active Flag, Add Time, Creator ID
User AccessUser ID, App, Admin Access, Permission Set ID
UsersUser ID, Name, Email, Timezone, Default currency, Active Flag, Group ID, Has Created Company, Is Admin, Locale, Timezone, Timezone Offset, Created Time, Is You, Last Login Time, Modified Time

Data Sync Frequency

Zoho Analytics offers flexible sync schedules to ensure that your data is always up-to-date for effective analysis. These schedules allow you to automate the process of updating your data, ensuring that your analyses are based on the latest information.

  • 1 Hour (Enterprise plan only)
  • 3 Hours
  • 6 Hours
  • 12 Hours
  • Every day

Handling Data Synchronization Failure

Data synchronization can fail,

  • If the data type of a field is changed in the Pipedrive Application.
  • If the Modules and Field selected for analysis are deleted in the source application.
  • If the user who configured the integration no longer has permission to access the modules.

In any of the above mentioned cases, the data sync will be paused. You will be notified via email and in- app notification with the exact reason for failure along with the solution.

To resolve the sync failure, delete or restructure the views, or restore the specific modules and fields from the source application. Refer to Data Sync failure and solutions article for more details.

Once you have made the changes, click the Sync now option in the data source tab to resume data sync. If the issue persists, contact

Manage Data Sources

The Data Sources tab provides essential information to monitor and manage the integration setup. It also allows you to edit the settings as needed. Users with administrator privileges will be able to view and modify the connection settings.

Data Source Permalink

The Data Source Permalink helps you directly access the Synchronization Status tab. Users can know the synchronization details like whether the last data sync was successful or not, when the last data sync happened, when the next sync is scheduled to happen, etc.

Edit Setup

The Edit Setup tab allows you to add or delete modules or fields, change the schedule interval, and modify other settings specific to the business application.

To modify the settings, 

  1. Click Data Sources > Edit Setup.
  2. The Edit Setup - Pipedrive dialog will open. Modify the settings as needed and click Save.

Re- Authenticate 

Re-authentication will be helpful when the API key or password is changed. In this case, the data sync will be paused, and the administrator who configure the connector setup must re-authenticate to resume the data sync.

To re-authenticate,

  1. Click Data Sources > Re-Authenticate.
  2. The Re-authenticate - Pipedrive dialog will open. Click Authenticate Pipedrive.
  3. Login in to your Pipedrive account for Zoho Analytics to verify the identity.

Sync Now

The Sync Now option helps import data without having to wait until the next scheduled interval.

To initiate a full data fetch,

  1. Access the Data Sources tab.
  2. Click Sync now to import data without having to wait till next sync schedule.

Sync History

The Sync History tab provides details about the data sync for the last 45 days. A successful data sync is marked in green, and a sync failure is marked in red.

To view the Sync history,

  1. Click Data sources > Sync History.
  2. A calendar with the Sync History of the last 45 days will open. The date when the data sync has happened will be highlighted. Hover to view the number of times the data had got synced on a specific date.
  3. Click the date to view more details. 
    • Time - Displays the time when the data is synced.
    • Status - Shows whether the sync was a success or a failure.In case of failure, the reason will be displayed. Refer to this page to learn how to resolve the issue and avoid further failure.

Audit History

Zoho Analytics logs all the user activities and system events within the Pipedrive workspace. The following actions that are logged in Zoho Analytics,

  • User Action: Create, Modules Added, Modules Removed, Fields Added, Fields Removed, Schedule Change and Entities Modified, Delete, Take Ownership, Re-authenticate, Sync Now, Retry.
  • System Action: Plan upgrade or downgrade.

To view the audit history,

  1. Click Data Sources > Audit History.
  2. A dialog with the activities for the last 180 days will open.

Remove Data Source

Zoho Analytics allows you to remove the integration if needed. Removing the integration will suspend further data synchronization. The data tables and the reports will be available.

Click the Settings icon in the Data Sources tab, and select Remove Data Source from the drop-down menu.

Data Modeling & Preparation

Zoho Analytics allows you to combine data from various sources such as Files, Feeds, Databases and Business Applications for an in-depth analysis. Query Tables allows you to combine data from different tables to create reports.

While blending data from other data sources, Zoho Analytics automatically identifies similar columns and provides suggestions for lookups. Refer to the Joining Tables article for more details.


The default formulas in the Activities table.

Formula NameFormulaDescription
Formula Column
Durationtimediff("ADD TIME","Due date")Gives the duration
Flag Statusif("Busy Flag"=0,' free', if("Busy Flag"=1, 'busy', null))Denotes the status of each activity
Durationto_duration( ((to_decimal(substring_before("Duration",':')))*3600) + (to_decimal(substring_between( "Duration", ':', ':'))*60) + substring_after("Duration", ':', 2))Gives the duration of each activity in HMS format.
Overdue Activitiesif("Due date"<date(today()) AND "Activity Done"='No', 'Yes', 'No')Helps identify activities that are overdue.
Aggregate Formula
Activities per Won Dealcount_if("Activities"."Activity Done" = 'Yes')/count_if("Deals"."Status" = 'won')calculates the ratio of the number of completed activities to the number of deals marked as won.
Overdue Activities Countcount_if("Activities"."Overdue Activities" = 'Yes')Gives the number of overdue activities

The default formulas in the Deals table.

Formula NameFormula Description
Age in daysdatediff(ifnull("Close Time",now()),"Add Time")Calculates the number of days it took for a deal to be closed.
Age Tierif( "Age in Days" >= 0, if( "Age in Days" <= 60, '1. 0 - 60 days', if( "Age in Days" <= 120, '2. 61 - 120 days', if( "Age in Days" <= 180, '3. 121 - 180 days', if( "Age in Days" <= 360, '4. 181 - 360 days','5. Above 360 days')))), '6. Negative - Not Valid')Classifies the time spent on deals to close them.
Amount Tierif( "Weighted value" >= 0, if( "Weighted value" <= 500, '1. 0 - 500', if( "Weighted value" <= 1000, '2. 501 - 1K', if( "Weighted value" <= 10000, '3. 1,001 - 10K', if( "Weighted value" <= 50000, '4. 10,001 - 50K','5. Above 50K')))), '6. Negative - Not Valid')Classifies the deals based on the sales value.
Aggregate Formulas
Activities per Won Dealcount_if("Deals"."Done activities")/count_if("Deals"."Status" = 'won')Provides the count of Activities (Tasks, Events, and Calls) involved to win a deal.
Win Rate %count_if("Deals"."Status" = 'won')*100/count("Deals"."Deal ID")Provides the Win Rate (in %) of sales. This is calculated as a Ratio between number of deals won and total number (won + lost) of deals
Won Amountsum_if("Deals"."Status" = 'won',"Deals"."Weighted value",NULL)Total amount of sales won (made)
Won Deals Countcount_if("Deals"."Status" = 'won')Gives the total number of deals won
Average Deal Size Wonsum_if("Deals"."Status" = 'won',"Deals"."Weighted value",NULL)/count_if("Deals"."Status" = 'won')Calculates the average revenue generated from sales.
Average Sales Cycleavgif("Deals"."Status" = 'won',"Deals"."Age in Days")Calculates the average number of days to convert a deal.
YTD Salesytd(sum(if(year("Deals"."Close Time") = year(today()),"Deals"."Weighted value",NULL)),"Deals"."Close Time")Calculates the total sales
YTD Won Dealsytd(count(if(year("Deals"."Close Time") = year(today()),"Deals"."Deal ID",NULL)),"Deals"."Close Time")Calculates the won deals
Lost Amountsum_if("Deals"."Status" NOT IN ('won'),"Deals"."Weighted value",NULL)Calculates the total amount of sales lost
Lost Deals Countcount_if("Deals"."Status" NOT IN ('won'))Calculates the total number of deals lost.
Lead Conversion Ratecount("Deals"."Deal ID")*100/count("Leads"."Lead ID")Calculates the percentage of leads converted.

Data Visualization/Analysis

Zoho Analytics offers a wide range of visualization types to conduct your analysis.

Creating Reports over Pipedrive data

Chart Types in Zoho Analytics

Stacked bar, Histogram, Horizontal bar
Stacked Bar 
Horizontal Stacked bar, 100% vertical and horizontal stacked bar
Area with markers, Smooth Area, Smooth area with Markers
Line and Bar Combination chart
Bar with Line, Bar with Bubble, Bar with Scatter, Bar with Area, Area with Bubble, Line with Bubble and Custom Combination
Bubble Chart
Bubble Pie, Packed Bubble, Word Cloud
Stacked Area
Stacked area with markers, Smooth stacked area, Smooth stacked area with markers
Heat Map, Map Scatter, Map Bubble, Map Pie, Map Bubble Pie, Map Filled, Geo Heat Map
Tree map
Not Applicable
Pie, Ring, Semi Pie, Semi Ring
Not Applicable
Matrix View
Pivot table
Summary and Tabular view
Dashboards and KPI widgets
Single Numeric Widget, Dial Chart Widget
Bullet, Chart Widget

Sharing and Collaboration 

Help & Support

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United States: +1 (888) 900 9646
United Kingdom: +44 (20) 35647890
Australia: +61-2-80662898
India: 044 - 69656060