Integrating with ServiceNow

The advanced analytics connector seamlessly integrates with ServiceNow, allowing you to create intuitive reports and live dashboards for a high level view of your help desk, with the ability to drill down into specifics.

Advanced Analytics for ServiceNow offers out-of-the-box analytics on Incident management. Get reports generated automatically with up-to-date data, and gain a complete overview from module specific dashboards.


  1. What is Zoho Analytics?
  2. Why Advanced Analytics for ServiceNow?
  3. Who can subscribe to the Advanced Analytics for ServiceNow connector?


  1. How do I set up the Advanced Analytics for ServiceNow?
  2. How long should I wait for the ServiceNow data to initially appear in Zoho Analytics?
  3. What are the modules in ServiceNow that will be synchronized in Zoho Analytics workspace?
  4. I got this email which said 'Setup Process Failed'/'Synchronization Process Failed'. What should I do?
  5. Can I edit the Advanced Analytics for ServiceNow connector Synchronization setting?
  6. Can I synchronize the ServiceNow data instantly?
  7. Can I add/modify data in the ServiceNow data tables within Zoho Analytics?
  8. Can I add new columns to the Advanced Analytics for ServiceNow data tables within Zoho Analytics?
  9. Can I add new data tables in this workspace to create reports & dashboards?
  10. Can I transfer my Zoho Analytics connector to another admin account?
  11. How do I re-authenticate my ServiceNow account in Zoho Analytics?
  12. How can I remove the Integration?

Reporting Features

  1. In which modules of ServiceNow can I create reports?
  2. What are the report types supported by Zoho Analytics?
  3. What are the default reports & dashboards created by Zoho Analytics, on setting up this connector?
  4. What are Formulas in Zoho Analytics?
  5. What are the default formulas that get added by Zoho Analytics on setting up this connector?
  6. How do I create custom formulas in Zoho Analytics?
  7. Can I combine data from other sources with the data from ServiceNow to create reports and dashboards?
  8. Can I join data from multiple tables to create reports?
  9. What are Query Tables?

Cross-Functional Analytics with Popular Business Applications

  1. What are the popular business applications that I can integrate this connector with?
  2. How can I analyze the data from other business applications along with the Advanced Analytics for ServiceNow?
  3. Will a lookup relationship between the related modules from ServiceNow and other third-party applications be created automatically?

Users, Sharing & Collaboration

  1. How do I share the reports in Zoho Analytics with my colleagues?
  2. Why can't other users edit the reports that I have shared with them?
  3. Can I share the same report created, to multiple users with different criteria associated so that they see different data?
  4. Can I export a report/dashboard?
  5. Can I print the reports & dashboards created in Zoho Analytics?
  6. Can I email reports & dashboards created in Zoho Analytics in a scheduled manner?
  7. Can I embed the reports & dashboards created in Zoho Analytics?


  1. Does Zoho Analytics offer Embedded Analytics or re-branding?

Help & Support

  1. How do I get technical support on Zoho Analytics?
  2. Can I have someone from Zoho do a demo for me?


1. What is Zoho Analytics?

Zoho Analytics is an on-demand reporting and business intelligence solution that helps you derive insights on your business data through its powerful reporting and analytical capabilities. You can create dynamic reports in minutes, with no IT help.

It offers the following important capabilities:

Also, check out our Getting Started Video

2. Why Advanced Analytics for ServiceNow?

Advanced Analytics for ServiceNow enables you to import your help desk data in ServiceNow into Zoho Analytics for advanced reporting and analysis. 

This connector brings in all the capabilities of Zoho Analytics described above. A full-featured business intelligence (BI) and reporting tool that can slice & dice the ServiceNow data to create any report/dashboard you require.

3. Who can subscribe to the Zoho Analytics Advanced Analytics for ServiceNow connector?

ServiceNow users who wants to analyse their help desk data. It enables you to do powerful analysis on the incidents inflow, technicians' performance SLA reports backlog analysis and much more with ease.


1. How do I set up the Advanced Analytics for ServiceNow?

Setting up the Zoho Analytics connector is easy. Please follow the step-by-step instructions in the below presentation.

2. How long should I wait for my ServiceNow data to initially appear in Zoho Analytics?

After configuring your ServiceNow account, wait for at least one day for all your ServiceNow data to be imported into Zoho Analytics. You will receive an email when the import/sync is complete and is ready for creating reports over the same.

Once the initial data synchronization is done, subsequent changes you make to your data in ServiceNow (add, modify, delete records) will automatically be synchronized into Zoho Analytics every day at the scheduled time you have specified during setup.

3. What are the modules in ServiceNow that will be synchronized in Zoho Analytics workspace?

You can synchronize the following modules from your ServiceNow account:

  • Business services 
  • Groups
  • Incident - Groups affected 
  • Incident - Locations affected 
  • Incident - Time worked 
  • Incident Metrics
  • Incident SLA
  • Incident Tasks
  • Incidents 
  • Incidents_Vs_Additional_assignees 
  • Incidents_Vs_Work_notes_users 
  • Locations 
  • Metric definitions 
  • Schedules 
  • SLA definitions 
  • Users 

4. I got this email which said 'Setup Process Failed'/'Synchronization Process Failed'. What should I do?

The daily import/sync process of your ServiceNow data can fail sometimes, due to a variety of reasons. And hence you may receive such mails occasionally. No worries. The Zoho Analytics team will look into it immediately and get back to you taking the required corrective action.

Setup Process Failed mail will come when there is a failure during the initial ServiceNow - Zoho Analytics connector setup.

Synchronization Failed mail will come if there is any failure during the data synchronization process, run daily, between ServiceNow and Zoho Analytics, after the initial setup & import is completed successfully.

5. Can I edit the Advanced Analytics for ServiceNow connector Synchronization setting?

Yes, you can edit the Advanced Analytics for ServiceNow connector synchronization setting. For this you need administrator privilege for the Advanced Analytics for ServiceNow workspace.

Follow the below steps to edit the setting. 

  • Open the corresponding Advanced Analytics for ServiceNow workspace in Zoho Analytics.

  • Click Data Sources on the left panel. All the data source of the workspace will be listed. 

  • Click the ServiceNow option. The Data Source page for ServiceNow will open. 

  • Click the Edit Setup link. The Edit Setup - ServiceNow dialog will open. Modify the settings as needed. 

  • Click Save. The synchronization setting will be modified and data will be synced in the next synchronization interval.

6. Can I synchronize my ServiceNiow data instantly?

Yes, you can synchronize the ServiceNow data instantly when needed.
To synchronize your data instantly:

  • Open the Data Sources page. 

  • Click Sync Now link. ServiceNow data will get instantly synchronized. 


  • This option can be used up to five times between the scheduled intervals.

7. Can I add/modify data in the ServiceNow data tables from within Zoho Analytics?

No, you cannot. Data from ServiceNow tables gets automatically synchronized into Zoho Analytics in the 7 different tables (one table for one tab). You cannot edit any of this data or add new data records from within Zoho Analytics.

8. Can I add new columns to the ServiceNow data tables from within Zoho Analytics?

No, you cannot add new columns. But you can add Formula Columns and Aggregate Formulas (i.e. Calculated fields) to these tables to help you create powerful reports. Refer Adding Formulas in Zoho Analytics to know more.

9. Can I add new data tables in this workspace to create reports & dashboards?

Yes, you can add new data tables. Click New > New Table and you can add new tables to the existing ServiceNow workspace.

With this feature, you can import new data or add them manually into your workspace to analyze and create reports combining this with the ServiceNow data. You can import data from files like Excel, HTML and CSV. You can also import data from local databases like Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL and MS Access.


10. Can I transfer my Zoho Analytics connector to another admin account?

At present, we do not provide an option in the user interface. If you require this transfer, please do mail us to We will get your requirements and handle this.

11. How do I re-authenticate my ServiceNow account in Zoho Analytics?

You can re-authenticate the setup by following the below steps. 

  • Open the Data Sources page. Click the Re-authenticate link.

  • The Re-Authenticate ServiceNow dialog will open. Click the Re-Authenticate ServiceNow button. 

  • Enter your credentials and re-authenticate your account.

12. How can I remove the integration?

You can remove the connector from the Data Sources page by following the below steps.

  • Open the Data Sources page. Click the Settings icon that appears on mouse over and then select Remove Data Source.

  • The data synchronization from ServiceNow into this workspace will be removed. However, you will still be able to access this workspace with existing data. 

Reporting Features

1. What are modules and fields in ServiceNow on which I can create reports?

Zoho Analytics will synchronize the data specified in this question into the Advanced Analytics for ServiceNow workspace. You can create reports using these data. 

2. What are the report types supported by Zoho Analytics?

Zoho Analytics supports a wide variety of reports.

  • Charts
    • Pie
    • Bullet
    • Bar
    • Stacked bar
    • Bubble
    • Packed Bubble
    • Line
    • Scatter
    • Area
    • Web
    • Funnel
    • Doughnut
    • Dial
  • Pivot tables (Matrix Views)
  • Summary view
  • Tabular view
  • Dashboards (multiple reports arranged in the same page)

3. What are the default reports & dashboards created by Zoho Analytics, on setting up the ServiceNow integration?

When you setup/configure the Zoho Analytics connector, 100+ default reports/dashboards are automatically created. These hand-picked reports will be pretty useful in analyzing your help desk's performance effectively.

4. What are Formulas in Zoho Analytics?

Formulas, as the name indicates are calculations that you could define in Zoho Analytics to help you create the required reports. Zoho Analytics provides a powerful formula engine to create any type of calculations required, to enable creating the required reports. Refer Adding Formulas in Zoho Analytics to know more.

5. What are the default formulas that get added by Zoho Analytics on setting up this connector?

The default formulas added by Zoho Analytics are listed below. You can view these formulas by opening the corresponding table and selecting Add > Edit Formulas from the toolbar.

The following are the default formulas in the Incidents table.

Formula NameFormula TypeFormulaDescription
Days since createdCustomdateandtimediff( DAY, "Created",currentdate( ))Returns the number of days since an incident is created.
Incident is openCustomif("State - display value"!='Closed',if("State - display value"!='Resolved',if("State - display value"!='Canceled','true','false'),'false'),'false')Verifies whether an incident is open or not.
Duration in daysCustom"Duration in milliseconds"/(1000*60*60*24)Returns the duration in days.
Business duration in daysCustom"Business duration in milliseconds"/(1000*60*60*24)Returns the business duration in days.
Duration in hoursCustom"Duration in milliseconds"/(1000*60*60)Returns the duration in hours.
Business duration in hoursCustom"Business duration in milliseconds"/(1000*60*60)Returns the business duration in hours.
Days since incident was updatedCustomdatediff( now(),"Updated")Returns the number of days since the incident was last updated.
Days since incident was updated - Age tierCustomif("Days since incident was updated">=0 and "Days since incident was updated"<=30,'0 - 30 Days',if("Days since incident was updated">30 and "Days since incident was updated"<=45,'31 - 45 Days',if("Days since incident was updated">45 and "Days since incident was updated"<=60,'46 - 60 Days',if("Days since incident was updated">60,'Over 60 Days',NULL))))Clasifies the incidents into the following baskets based on incidents last updated time.  
  • Less than 30 days
  • 31-45 days
  • 46-60 days
  • more than 60 days
Duration age tierCustomif(("Duration in hours")<=0,'Not Resolved',if("Duration in hours">0 and "Duration in hours"<=2,'0 - 2 Hours',if("Duration in hours">2 and "Duration in hours"<=5,'2 - 5 Hours',if("Duration in hours">5 and "Duration in hours"<=10,'5 - 10 Hours','Above 10 Hours'))))Classifies the incidents into the following baskets based on incidents duration.
  • Less than 0 hour
  • 0 - 2 hours
  • 2 - 5 hours
  • 5 - 10 hours
  • above 10 hours
Business duration age tierCustomif("Business duration in hours"<=0 and "Duration in hours"<=0 ,'Not Resolved',if("Business duration in hours"<=0 and "Duration in hours">0,'No Schedule Applied', if("Business duration in hours">0 and "Business duration in hours"<=2,'0 - 2 Hours',if("Business duration in hours">2 and "Business duration in hours"<=5,'2 - 5 Hours',if("Business duration in hours">5 and "Business duration in hours"<=10,'5 - 10 Hours','Above 10 Hours'))))Clasifies the incidents into the following baskets based on incidents business duration.
  • Less than 0 hour
  • 0 - 2 hours
  • 2 - 5 hours
  • 5 - 10 hours
  • above 10 hours
Incident age tierCustomif("Days since created">=0 and "Days since created"<=30,' 0 - 30 Days',if("Days since created">30 and "Days since created"<=45,'31 - 45 Days',if("Days since created">45 and "Days since created"<=60,'46 - 60 Days',if("Days since created">60,'Over 60 Days',NULL))))Clasifies the incidents into the following baskets based on incidents created time.  
  • Less than 30 days
  • 31-45 days
  • 46-60 days
  • more than 60 days
SLA breach - Due date basedCustomif( "Due date" < "Resolved",'true','false')Verifies whether an SLA has been breached or not.
Days to closeCustomdatediff("Closed", "Created")Returns the number of days taken to close an incident.
Incident escalationCustomif("Escalation - display value"!='Overdue',if("Escalation - display value"!='High',if("Escalation - display value"!='Moderate','false','true'),'true'),'true')Verifies whether an incident has been escalated or not.
Incident is staleCustomif(dateandtimediff(day, "Created",current_date( )) >30,
if(Isempty("Resolved")=1 OR (dateandtimediff(day,"Created","Resolved")) >30,
Classifies an incident as a stale incident if it is open for more than 30 days. 
Time to SLA breach - due date basedCustomdateandtimediff(hour,current_timestamp( ),"Due date")Returns the time left for a SLA to be breached.

Time to SLA breach tier - due date based  

if("Time to SLA breach - due date based"<=0,'Breached', if("Time to SLA breach - due date based">0 and "Time to SLA breach - due date based"<=3,'0 - 3 Hours',if("Time to SLA breach - due date based">3 and "Time to SLA breach - due date based"<=6,'4 - 6 Hours',if("Time to SLA breach - due date based">6 and "Time to SLA breach - due date based"<=9,'7 - 9 Hours','Above 9 Hours'))))Clasifies the incidents into the following baskets based on time left for SLA breach. 
  • Less than 0 hour
  • 0 - 3 hours
  • 4 - 6 hours
  • 7 - 9
  • above 9 hours
Open incidentsAggregateCountif("Incidents"."Incident is open"='true')Returns the number of open incidents.
Reopened incidentsAggregatecountif("Incidents"."Reopen count">0)Returns the number of incidents that are reopened.
% of incidents reopenedAggregate((countif("Incidents"."Reopen count">0))/(count("Incidents"."Sys ID")))*100Returns the percentage of incidents that are reopened.
SLAs breached - Due date basedAggregateCountif("Incidents"."SLA breach - Due date based"='true')Returns the number of incidents whose SLAs have been breached.
% of SLA breaches - Due date basedAggregate("Incidents"."SLAs breached - Due date based"/count("Incidents"."Sys ID"))*100Returns the percentage of incidents whose SLAs have been breached.
Incident backlogsAggregate
countif("Incidents"."Incident is open"='true' AND "Incidents"."SLA breach - Due date based"='true')Returns the number of incident backlogs.
Escalated incidentsAggregatecountif("Incidents"."Incident escalation"='true')Returns the number of escalated incidents.
% of incidents escalatedAggregate("Incidents"."Escalated incidents"/count("Incidents"."Sys ID"))*100Returns the percentage of escalated incidents. 
Incident velocityAggregatecount("Incidents"."Sys ID")/distinctcount(date("Incidents"."Created"))Returns the average number of incoming incidents. 
Avg. number of incidents completed by a technicianAggregate
countif("Incidents"."State - display value"='Closed' OR "Incidents"."State - display value"='Resolved' OR "Incidents"."State - display value"='Canceled')/distinctcount("Incidents"."Assigned to")Returns the average number of incidents that were completed by each technician. 
Open incidents by techniciansAggregatecountif("Incidents"."State - display value"='New' OR "Incidents"."State - display value"='On Hold' OR "Incidents"."State - display value"='In Progress')/distinctcount("Incidents"."Assigned to")Returns the ratio of open incidents to the number of available technicians.
Stale incidentsAggregatecountif("Incidents"."Incident is stale"='Yes')Returns the number of stale incidents (incidents that are open for more than 30 days).

The following are the default formulas in the Incident tasks table.  

Formula NameFormula TypeFormulaDescription
Duration in daysCustom"Duration in milliseconds"/(1000*60*60*24)Returns the duration of the incident task in days.
Business duration in daysCustom"Business duration in milliseconds"/(1000*60*60*24)Returns the duration of the incident task in business days.
Duration in hoursCustom"Duration in milliseconds"/(1000*60*60)Returns the duration of the incident task in hours.
Business duration in hoursCustom"Business duration in milliseconds"/(1000*60*60)Returns the duration of the incident task in business hours.
Incident task completed on timeCustomif("Due date">="Closed",'true','false')Verifies whether an incident is closed on time or not.
Incident tasks completed on timeAggregatecountif("Incident Tasks"."Incident task completed on time"='true')Returns the number of incident tasks that are completed on time.
Incident tasks not completed on timeAggregatecountif("Incident Tasks"."Incident task completed on time"='false')Returns the number of incidents that are not completed on time. 
% of incident tasks completed on timeAggregate
("Incident Tasks"."Incident tasks completed on time"/count("Incident Tasks"."Sys ID"))*100Returns the percentage of incidents that are completed on time. 
% of incident tasks not completed on timeAggregate("Incident Tasks"."Incident tasks not completed on time"/count("Incident Tasks"."Sys ID"))*100Returns the percentage of incidents that are not completed on time. 

The following are the default formulas in the Incidents SLA table.

Formula NameFormula TypeFormulaDescription
Actual elapsed time in hoursCustom"Actual elapsed time in milliseconds"/(1000*60*60)Returns the actual elapsed time in hours.
Business elapsed time in hoursCustom"Business elapsed time in milliseconds"/(1000*60*60)Returns the elapsed time in business hours.
SLA breachesAggregateCountif("Incident SLA"."Has breached"='true')Returns the number of SLAs breached.
% of SLAs breachedAggregate("Incident SLA"."SLA breaches"/Count("Incident SLA"."Sys ID"))*100Returns the percentage of SLAs breached.
SLAs metAggregateCountif("Incident SLA"."Has breached"='false')Returns the number of SLAs met.
% of SLAs metAggregate("Incident SLA"."SLAs met"/count("Incident SLA"."Sys ID"))*100Returns the percentage of SLAs met. 

The following are the default formulas in the Incident - Time worked table.

Formula NameFormula TypeFormulaDescription
Time worked in daysCustom"Time in seconds"/(60*60*24)Returns the time worked in days
Time worked in hoursCustom"Time in seconds"/(60*60)Returns the time worked in hours.


The following are the default formulas in the Incoming incident vs Closed incidents query table.

Formula NameFormula TypeFormulaDescription
Burn rate
Aggregate(countif("Incoming incidents vs Closed incidents"."Status"='Closed')/countif("Incoming incidents vs Closed incidents"."Status"='Incoming'))*100Returns the percentage of incidents closed to the number of incidents that came into the help desk.
Closed incidentsAggregatecountif("Incoming incidents vs Closed incidents"."Status"='Closed')Returns the number of closed incidents.
Incoming incidentsAggregatecountif("Incoming incidents vs Closed incidents"."Status"='Incoming')Returns the number of incoming incidents

6. How do I create custom formulas in Zoho Analytics?

Refer to the Adding Formulas in Zoho Analytics help page.

7. Can I combine data from other sources with the data from ServiceNow to create reports and dashboards?

Yes, you can combine data from your other sources with your ServiceNow data for analysis.
To do this, you need to add/import a new data table into the ServiceNow  workspace and then define a look-up to join it with the synchronized table from ServiceNow.

To define a lookup relationship between two tables, it is essential that the tables have at least one column which is common between them. Follow the below steps to look up a column from ServiceNow along with the data from any other source.

  • Open the corresponding table, right click the column header and select Change to Lookup Column.
  • In the Change to Lookup Column dialog that opens, select the column to look up.
  • Click Ok.

Please do note that you can create Lookup only to columns in the tables that are not from the same data source.

8. Can I join data from multiple tables to create reports?

Yes, you can join data from multiple tables to create the reports. Refer to Joining Tables in Zoho Analytics for detailed help on this.

9. What are Query Tables?

Zoho Analytics allows you to pull the data required by writing standard SQL SELET Queries. This feature is called Query Tables. With Query Tables, you can also combine data from different tables and create reports from the same. View this demo video to know about how to create Query Tables in Zoho Analytics.

Cross-Functional Analytics with Popular Business Applications

1. What are the popular business applications that I can integrate and analyze ServiceNow with?

You can import and analyze data from all the applications that Zoho Analytics offers integration with. Please refer to our Integrations page to know more.

2. How can I analyze the data from the third party business applications along with ServiceNow?

To import data from the third party business apps,

  • Open the ServiceNow workspace.
  • Click the Import Data button.
  • In the Create New Table tab that opens, select the application that you wish to import.
  • Provide the necessary authentications.
  • Select the necessary modules and fields, and the schedule import options.
  • Click Create.

Refer to this help page to learn more.

3. Will a lookup relationship between the related modules from ServiceNow and other third-party application be created automatically?

A lookup relationship will not be created automatically between the ServiceNow modules and the modules of the application that you are trying to import. You will have to manually link the tables using a lookup relationship.

To manually create a lookup relationship refer this help link.

Users, Sharing & Collaboration

1. How do I share the reports in Zoho Analytics with my colleagues?

You can easily share the reports that you create with the other users in your organization. Refer the Sharing and Collaboration help page for more details on this.

Once you privately share a report to your colleagues, they will be able to access the reports. Click here to learn how to access these shared reports. 

2. Why can't other users edit the reports that I have shared with them?

This is the expected behavior. If the user being shared to is a workspace admin, they can edit the reports. If a normal user wants to edit a report, they can save the report in their account under a different name using the Save As option, after which it can be edited. 

3. Can I share the same report created to multiple users with different criteria associated, so that they see different data?

Yes, you can. Refer the topic Apply filter criteria.

4. Can I export a report/dashboard?

Yes, you can export the report/dashboard in various file formats such as CSV, EXCEL, PDF, HTML, and Image. Click to know more.

5. How can I print the reports & dashboards created in Zoho Analytics?

In order to print the report/dashboard, you first need to export it. You can export the report in various file formats such as CSV, EXCEL, PDF, HTML and Image. Click to know more.

Note: If you are a user to whom a report has been shared and you want to take a print, ensure you have been provided the Export permission to the report by the Administrator. 

6. How can I email reports & dashboards created in Zoho Analytics in a scheduled manner?

If you are the Account Administrator of the Zoho Analytics or a Workspace Administrator, you can schedule reports and dashboards to be emailed automatically. Refer to the email schedule section in this help documentation.

7. How do I embed my reports in my intranet, blog or presentation?

You can easily embed the reports & dashboards created in Zoho Analytics in your website, web application or blog. Refer Embedding in Web Pages/Blogs to know more about this.


 1. Does Zoho Analytics offer Embedded Analytics or rebranding?

Yes, Zoho Analytics supports various rebranding options such as Portal rebranding/white labeling and Logo Rebranding.

Help & support

1. How do I get technical support on Zoho Analytics?

We offer 24x5 technical support (Monday to Friday). If you need our assistance, kindly mail your questions to
You can also reach out to us on our toll-free numbers

  • United States: +1 408 454 4202
  • India: +91-44-46447058  Extn: 6222 

2. Can I have someone from Zoho do a demo of this for me?

Yes, certainly. Register for a demo on this page.