Zoho Inventory

Zoho InventoryInventory

How does the Zoho Books - Zoho Inventory integration work?

The Way it works:
  • On integrating Zoho Inventory with Zoho Books, all the data - settings, contacts, items, sales orders, purchase orders, bills and common reports are synchronized with your Zoho Inventory account.
  • Henceforth, any new operation in Zoho Books will be reflected in Zoho Inventory and vice versa.For example: after you have successfully setup an integration, if you create a sales order in Zoho Books, it will be reflected in the sales order module of your Zoho Inventory.

Important Note: When importing items, only those items in Books that have inventory tracking enabled, will be synchronized into Zoho Inventory. Normal sales and purchase items will not be imported this way.

Zoho Inventory <-> Zoho Books Integration Flow Diagram

integration flow