Build custom apps to simplify business processes.
Powerful accounting platform for growing businesses.
100% Free invoicing solution.
eCommerce platform to manage and market your online store.
End-to-end billing solution for your business.
Comprehensive CRM platform for customer-facing teams.
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Modern retail POS to sell better, manage your entire business, and join the digital revolution.
Online community platform for individuals and businesses to grow their network and brand.
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Modern retail POS to sell better, manage your entire business, and join the digital revolution.
Employee experience platform to communicate, engage, and build positive employee relations.
Related software from other brands at Zoho Corporation
Enterprise-grade solutions for IT and security operations from ManageEngine
Set up and secure your enterprise mobile devices and apps.
Secure and comprehensive unattended access at the click of your mouse.
All-in-one digital risk assessment tool to ensure domain security.
Detect, investigate, and neutralize security threats with a cloud SIEM solution.
ManageEngine is a division of Zoho Corporation.
Run your entire business on Zoho with our unified cloud software, designed to help you break down silos between departments and increase organizational efficiency.
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Efficient warehouse labeling: Pratical Guide
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Efficient warehouse labeling: Pratical Guide
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Save time with the power to customize emails and automate field updates
When you work so hard on making your products perfect, why not do the same for your email messages? Write a special message for your loyal customers, or create a thank-you email to send every time a customer makes a payment for an invoice. You can schedule them to send at certain intervals, or use automation to trigger them based on a particular event.
Filling in the terms and conditions in each sales order for a regular customer is boring and frustrating. However, with field update automation, the message can be auto-filled every time you create a sales order for that customer. Automate the boring tasks to make the most of your time.
While both of these features are effective in their sense, you can create a combo to make it even better. To take a scenario, if you strike a new international deal, automation can help to keep your invoicing process perfect. With email automation you can customize the content in the regional language and with the field update the shipping carrier will get auto-selected every time you create an invoice for this particular customer thereby reducing the chances of committing error.
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