
What should I do if I encounter errors while importing my bank statements into Zoho Books?

There could be several reasons why you might encounter errors while importing your bank statements into Zoho Books. Some of the common reasons why you face issues while importing bank statements are listed below:

Formats Description
Unsupported file format Upload the file in the format supported by Zoho Books. Accepted formats include CSV, TSV, XLS, OFX, QIF, CAMT.053, and CAMT.054 file formats.
Incorrect date format Enter the date in the DD-MM-YYYY format.
Incorrect character encoding Choose a character encoding based on the script or language.
Incorrect amount column type Different banks provide different types of bank statements in which the Amount field can have single or double columns.
Negative value in the amount column If you select Double Column, or Single Column and Amount Type in the Amount Column Type field, enter a positive value in the amount column.

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