
My recurring invoices aren’t being sent automatically, and it says there are no contact persons associated. Is it mandatory to provide contact person details?

It is not mandatory to associate a contact person with each customer. However, to send an email, you must associate at least one email address with the customer, and the same email must be selected under Email Communications when creating Recurring Invoices.

To verify whether the email address is selected under Email Communications:

  1. Go to the Sales module and choose Recurring Invoices.
  2. Locate the Recurring Invoice Profile that needs to be edited and click the Edit icon.
  3. Scroll down to Email Communications and check whether an email address is selected.
  4. If not, select the required email address and click Save.

Insight: Only future child invoices will be sent automatically if the Recurring Profile preference is set to Create, Push, and Send Invoices or Create, Charge, Push, and Send Invoices. For past child invoices, you can edit the invoice and update the Email Communications to send the email manually.

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