What parameters are used for pre-filling payment pages?
The following parameters are used to pre-fill the hosted payment pages.
1. Order Summary
- quantity - Enable the quantity field for the payment page’s template in settings.
Note: This will not be supported for the amount type “Customer decides on payment page”.
- coupon_code - Enable coupon codes for the payment pages in settings.
2. Account Information
- first_name
- last_name
- company_name
- phone
- mobile
- website
3. Billing Address
- billing_street
- billing_city
- billing_zip
- billing_state_code (or) billing_state
For Canada, India, United Arab Emirates, and United States of America, use the billing_state_code parameter with a 2-letter state code (e.g., TN for Tamil Nadu and KY for Kentucky).
For all other countries, use the billing_state parameter with the state itself, i.e., a billing state code is not required for this parameter value.
- billing_country_code
The value of the billing country code must be the equivalent ISO 3166-1 code for the country in the Alpha-2 (2-letter) format.
For example, IN for India and US for the United States of America. By providing this code, the country will be selected automatically from a dropdown in the hosted payment page.
4. Shipping Address
- shipping_street
- shipping_city
- shipping_zip
- shipping_state_code (or) shipping_state
For Canada, India, United Arab Emirates ,and United States of America, you should use the shipping_state_code parameter, whose value should be a 2-letter state code (for example, TN for Tamil Nadu and KY for Kentucky). For all other countries, use the shipping_state parameter, whose value can be the name of the state itself, i.e., a state code is not required for the value of this parameter.
- shipping_country_code
The value of the shipping country code must be the equivalent ISO 3166-1 code for the country in the Alpha-2 (2-letter) format. For example, IN for India and US for the United States of America. By providing this code, the country will be selected automatically from a dropdown in the hosted payment page.