No more worrying about losing assignment papers. Create assignments from the app and post it as a feed and notify the students about the assignment posted.

Post it to your students throughClass Specific Assignments
Post assignments to specific classes. Class-specific assignments will send assignments to students belonging to a specific class only.

Clutter-free assignment listStudent's Assignment Submission
Worry no more on missing out on an assignment from your student. The submitted assignment page shows a list of all the students who had already submitted assignments.

Individual AssignmentView it, Save it, Share it.
Assignments from each student can be viewed for instant assessment. Save the document for further analysis or even share the document with other teachers/faculty to get an idea from them as well.
Go PaperlessOnline Assignments
No more worrying about losing assignment papers. Create assignments from the app and post it as a feed and notify the students about the assignment posted.

Post it to your students throughClass Specific Assignments
Post assignments to specific classes. Class-specific assignments will send assignments to students belonging to a specific class only.

Clutter-free assignment listStudent's Assignment submission
Worry no more on missing out on an assignment from your student. The submitted assignment page shows a list of all the students who had already submitted assignments..

Individual AssignmentView it, Save it, Share it.
Assignments from each student can be viewed for instant assessment. Save the document for further analysis or even share the document with other teachers/faculty to get an idea from them as well.