Quick and SimpleAdd Fee page
You've put in all your efforts to create a class and bring up a fee structure to it. We have made it easy for you to alert all the students about your fees. Just add a short description, fee, class, due-date, fee interval, and a reminder. Students will be notified automatically about the fee and even before the due date.

View all your classes feeIn a single page
All your class fees are consolidated on a single page so you can quickly view and manage any class you like to modify. Swipe across to view the payment history to see all the payments received to the app.

Get Notified onStudent Fee payments
Automated fee payment notification lets you know who paid how much and for which class. Fee action specific notifications are delivered to you instantly when a fee is initiated.
Quick and Simple Add fees
You've put in effort to create a class and add a fee structure to it. We have made it easy for you to alert all the students about your fees. Just add a short description, fee, class, due date, fee interval, and a reminder. Students will be notified automatically about the fee before the due date.

View all your classes fee In a single page
All your class fees are consolidated on a single page so you can quickly view and manage any class you like to modify. Swipe across to view the payment history to see all the payments received to the app.

Get Notified onStudent Fee payments
Automated fee payment notification lets you know who paid how much and for which class. Fee action specific notifications are delivered to you instantly when a fee is initiated.