
How do I configure my chart of accounts?

You can edit, delete, or mark an account as inactive directly from the Chart of Accounts. Here’s how:

  • Go to the Accountant module from the left sidebar and navigate to Chart of Accounts.
  • Click the account you want to configure.
  • Select the action that you want to perform on the account.
    • To edit: Click the Edit icon to make the required changes. In the pop-up that follows, click Save.
    • To delete: Click the More icon next to the Edit icon and select Delete. In the pop-up that follows, click OK to confirm your action.
    • To mark as inactive: Click the More icon next to the Edit icon and select Mark as Inactive.

Note: System defined accounts marked by the Lock icon cannot be edited or deleted. However, you can view the list of transactions which were made in the account by clicking that specific account.

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