
I’m sending invoices and other transactions from Zoho Books using my email address, but they are not appearing in my mailbox. What should I do?

The transactions sent from Zoho Books are system-generated emails and will not be visible in your mail. However, when a customer replies to the email, it will be available in your mailbox. If you still wish to receive the sent transaction emails in your inbox as well, you can add your email address in the CC field of the transaction notification.

To add your email address in the CC field of transaction notifications:

  1. Go to Settings in the top right corner of the page.
  2. Select Email Notifications under Reminders & Notifications.
  3. In the Templates section, select the module for which you want to add the email address.
  4. Click Show Mail Content.
  5. Enter your email addresses in the CC field.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Save again to update the changes.

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