
What all reports can be saved as Custom Reports and can be customized using reporting tags?

Save as Custom Reports Reporting Tags
Profit and loss account Profit and loss account
Cash flow statement Cash flow statement
Balance sheet Balance sheet
Movement of equity Movement of Equity
Invoice Details Report Sales By Item
Retainer Invoice Details Report Customer Balance Summary
Estimate Details Report Receivable Details
Receivable Summary Report Vendor Balance Summary
Receivable Details Report Payable Details
Payments Received Purchase By Vendor
Time to Get Paid Expense By Category
Credit Note Details Tax Summary
Refund History (Payment Received) Account Transactions
Recurring Invoice Details General Ledger
Payment Made Detailed General Ledger
Refund History (Payment Made) Journals (Can view only the Associated Tags)
Vendor Credit Details Trial Balance
Payable Summary
Payable Details
Purchase Order Details
Purchase Order by Vendor
Purchase by Item
Expense by Customer
Expense by Project
Expense by Employee
Project Summary
Project Revenue Summary
Account Transaction
Account Type Summary
General Leger
Trial Balance
Budgets Vs Actuals

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