
Managing Your Employer-Provided Loans

The Loans Module in the employee portal of Zoho Payroll serves as a centralised space where you can access comprehensive information about the loans provided by your employer. This module is designed to provide transparency and ease of navigation, allowing you to manage and monitor your loans effortlessly.

Whether you’re checking your monthly instalments, understanding key dates, or delving into detailed loan information, we’ve got you covered.

Here’s how you can view your loan details:

  • Go to the Loans on the left sidebar.

All the loans provided by your employer will be listed here. Click on a loan to view its details.

Note If the employer-provided loans are not listed here, contact your payroll admin for more details.

You can view the below details of a loan:

Loan Details 

Loan ListingDisplays a list of all loans provided by your employer.
Loan DetailsClick on a specific loan to access detailed information about that particular loan.
Monthly InstallmentReflects the amount you are required to pay on a monthly basis towards the loan.
Repaid AmountIndicates the total amount you have repaid towards the loan.
Remaining AmountShows the outstanding balance yet to be repaid for the loan.
Next Installment DateSpecifies the date on which your next installment is due.
Closing DateHighlights the date when the loan is expected to be fully repaid.

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Disbursement DateReveals the date when the loan amount was disbursed.
Total RepaymentsDisplays the overall sum of repayments made towards the loan.
Loan NumberProvides a unique identification number for the loan.
Loan DescriptionOffers a brief overview or purpose of the loan.

Repaid Instalments Section  

Instalment DateDate of each instalment repayment.
EMIEMI (Equated Monthly Instalment) for a specific instalment.
Total Repaid AmountTotal amount repaid for a specific installment.
Remaining Amount (Per Installment)Outstanding balance for a specific installment.
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