

The Employees module in Zoho Payroll allows you to add and manage employees’ personal and salary details.

Add Employees

To add an employee:

Basic Details

  • Provide the employee’s basic details:

Basic Details of Employees in Zoho Payroll

Field NameDescription
Employee NameEnter your employee’s first and last names. Middle name is optional.
Employee Name (in Arabic)Enter the employee’s name in Arabic.
Employment TypeSelect if your employee is permanent or is on probation.
Employee IDEnter the employee’s organizational ID.
Date of JoiningThe day on which the employee started working for your organization. For an existing employee, choose their original date of joining. If it is a new hire, you can choose a date in the future.
Work Email AddressThe employee’s payslips are sent to this address. Also, employees will be able to log into their employee portal using this email address, if you enable it for them.
Mobile NumberEnter your employee’s mobile number.
GenderEnter your employee’s gender.
Work LocationSelect which branch your employee works from, if your organization has multiple work locations.
DesignationEnter the employee’s designation in your organization.
DepartmentEnter or select the department under which the employee would be working.
Contract TypeSelect the type of contract for the employee. A limited contract is a fixed-term employment contract with a specified start date and end date. An unlimited contract is an open-ended employment contract with a start date but no defined end date.
Enable Portal AccessChoose whether you want to enable Employee Portal for this employee. The employee can access his details and from the portal.
Social Security Benefit DetailsIf your employee is a GCC national, you can configure the respective social security provided by the GCC country in the Settings page. If the employee is an expat, they will be entitled to gratuity.

Salary Details

  • Provide the employee’s salary details:
    • Select a salary template if you have created one. If not, you can set salary templates for employees with pay structures.
    • Enter the employee’s earning details.

Salary Details of Employees in Zoho Payroll

  • Click Save and Continue.

Personal Details

  • Provide the employee’s personal details:
    • Date of Birth
    • Iqama/National ID
    • Personal Email Address
    • Present Residential Address
    • Present Residential Address (in Arabic)
    • Permanent Address

PRO TIP Click Copy Present Residential Address if the permanent address is same as the present residential address.

Personal Details of Employees in Zoho Payroll

  • Click Save and Continue.

NOTE All personal information about your employees will be encrypted and stored securely. Read our Security Policy.

Payment Information

  • Select the payment method.
    • Bank Transfer: Download Wage files and process the payment through WPS or your bank’s website.
    • Cheque: Manually send cheques to your employees and record it in Zoho Payroll.
    • Cash: Distribute cash salaries to your employees manually and record it in Zoho Payroll.

Payment Information of Employees in Zoho Payroll

Uploading Personal Documents

Securely managing employee documents is a vital part of ensuring compliance and maintaining accurate records. This feature allows organizations to store essential personal documents for employees. In this page, you can upload identification proofs like Iqama ID/National ID, passports, visas, and insurance cards, and so on.

  • In the employee profile, select the Documents section.

  • You can either:

    • Drag and drop files directly into the upload box.
    • Click Choose File to manually select a document from your device.

Once you have uploaded documents, they will be listed under the Personal Documents section with the following details:

Document TypeThe category of the uploaded document.Iqama ID/National ID
Document NumberThe unique ID number of the document.1008
Issued DateDate on which the document was issued.12 Jul 2016
Valid FromThe start date of the document’s validity.27 Jul 2016
Expires OnThe expiry date of the document.26 Dec 2035
AttachmentsNumber of files uploaded for the document.1
  • Click Save and Complete.

Payment Information of Employees in Zoho Payroll

Edit Employee

To edit the details of an employee:

  • Navigate to the Employees module.
  • Select the employee whose details you want to edit.
  • Click the edit icon next to the section that you want to edit.

Edit Employee Details in Zoho Payroll

  • Click Save once you finish editing the details.

Delete Employee

If an employee is not a part of any current or completed pay runs, you can delete them from Zoho Payroll. Here’s how:

  • Navigate to the Employees module.
  • Click the name of the employee whose details you want to delete.
  • Click the More icon and select Delete Employee.
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