What kind of details will I be able to view in the Home page?

The Dashboard in Zoho Payroll comprises the below sections:

  • Getting Started: The Getting Started page within the Zoho Payroll serves as a checklist for setting up your organization in Zoho Payroll. It helps the initial configuration of Zoho Payroll for your organisation.
  • To-Do Tasks: The To-Do Tasks section serves as a task management space. Users can view pending tasks that need attention to ensure the smooth execution of payroll processes.
  • Current and Ongoing Payruns: The dashboard provides a snapshot of current and ongoing payruns. It includes vital information such as net pay, payment date, and the number of employees involved.
  • Employee Summary: The Employee Summary section offers a quick glance at the workforce composition. Users can view the number of active employees, categorized by expats and GCC nationals.
  • Social Security Benefits Summary: In this section, users can access a summary of social security benefits based on the nationality of employees.
  • Payroll Cost Summary: The Payroll Cost Summary graphically represents payroll costs on the y-axis and months on the x-axis. Users can filter this summary by the current year and the previous year, providing a visual representation of cost trends over time.
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