United States
United Kingdom
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
South Africa

What happens to my data if I cancel my subscription?

If you wish to downgrade from your PAID subscription, you will have two options :

* The cancellation will come into effect immediately.
* At the end of the ongoing billing cycle.

If Downgrade automatically at the end of current billing cycle(ie., Date) is selected, your account would be downgraded only at the end of the billing cycle. If not, it would be cancelled immediately.

Downgrade Page

Although all your data will remain in Zoho Invoice and you will still be able to Invoice 5 customers.

You can however backup all your data from Zoho Invoice.

To backup all the data from your Zoho Invoice account, kindly follow the below mentioned steps:

  • Click on the Gear icon present on the top-right corner of the page, and select Data Backup.

Data Backup

  • Click on the Backup Your Data button.

Data Backup

  • A few minutes after you click the button (approx. 30 minutes), you will receive an email with a link to download your data.

Note: Backing up your data today will not allow you to initiate another backup for the next 15 days.

You can always upgrade your subscription anytime to avail of all the features you were working with earlier. However, if you remain inactive for a period of 120 days, your data will be permanently deleted in accordance with our ‘Inactive user accounts policy’. Please ensure that you access your account once in 120 days, to keep your data intact.

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