
How do I authorise the payments made via Zoho Books?

Note: This integration is currently available only upon request. If you’d like to use it, contact icici-support@zohofinance.com. However, organisations that have already set up the integration can perform this action.

There are two ways for your transaction authorization:

1.If you are the only user of your ICICI Bank corporate account, you can choose to make direct payments from Zoho Books without having to authorise your transaction flow in your ICICI CIB Portal.

2.If there are multiple users to your ICICI Bank corporate account, the admin can set up a transaction authorisation flow to approve payments made by a user. This can be set in the aggregator approval section of ICICI CIB Portal. Each time a user makes a payment, the admin can approve the transaction before the payment is processed. To approve:

  • Login to your ICICI Bank CIB (Corporate Internet Banking) Portal.
  • Click the Pending on Me notification from the Dashboard
  • You will be able to find the transactions Pending for Approval listed under it.
  • Click the Actions dropdown to Approve or Reject the transaction.

Note: The status of your transaction will be In Progress unless it has been approved in the ICICI CIB Portal.

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