
In the reviewed tab, I see a column for Push status. What does it indicate?

Status Description Action to be taken
Un-Pushed Transactions that are yet to be pushed to GSTN. Push the transactions to the GST portal to update the actions done to a transaction.
Action Taken in Portal Transactions that are Accepted/Rejected/Marked as Pending in the portal. Mark those transactions as Accepted/Rejected/Marked as Pending in Zoho Books.
Matched With Portal Action Transactions that are Accepted/Rejected/Marked as Pending in the portal and reconciled these transactions in Zoho Books with the same action. No further action is needed.
Yet To Reset in Portal Any changes made to pushed transactions in Zoho Books are not yet updated in the GSTN portal. Push the transactions to the GST portal to update the changes done to a transaction.
Reset in Portal Failed Push failure for the transactions that are being pushed to GSTN portal with status as Yet to Reset in Portal. Rectify the error for the push failure and try pushing again.
Pushed and Modified Transactions that are pushed to GSTN portal and later actions are modified in Zoho Books. Push the transactions to GSTN portal.
Pushed and Processed a) Transactions that are pushed to GSTN portal and later actions are modified in Zoho Books and the changes are successfully updated in GSTN portal after pushing. b) The transactions for which actions are taken and pushed successfully to GSTN portal. No further action is needed.

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