Send an email with Attachments


The API is used to send an email with attachments.  The attachments should be uploaded to the File Store using the 'Upload Attachments' API. The response values, storeName, attachmentName and attachmentPath from that API should be used in the Request Body of this API. 

OAuth Scope

Use the scope

ZohoMail.messages.ALL (or) ZohoMail.messages.CREATE

to generate the Authtoken.

ALL - Grants full access to messages.

CREATE - Grants access to create messages.

Request URL

Method: POST{accountId}/messages

Path Parameters

  • accountId* long
    • This key is used to identify the account from which the email has to be sent. It is generated during account addition.
    • This parameter can be fetched from Get All User Accounts API.

Request Body (JSON object)

  • fromAddress* string
    • Provide the sender's email address (associated to the authenticated account).
    • Allowed values: Valid email address corresponding to the authenticated account for the From field.
  • toAddress* string
    • Provide the recipient's email address.
    • Allowed values: Valid recipient email address for the To field.
  • ccAddress string
    • Provide the recipient's email address for the Cc field.
    • Allowed values: Valid recipient email address for the Cc field.
  • bccAddress string
    • Provide the recipient's email address for the Bcc field.
    • Allowed values: Valid recipient email address for the Bcc field.
  • subject string
    • Provide the subject of the email.
  • content string
    • Provide the content of the email.
  • mailFormat string
    • Specify the format in which the mail needs to be sent. The value can be
      • html
      • plaintext
    • The default value is html.
  • askReceipt string
    • Specifies whether Read receipt from the recipient is requested or not.
    • Allowed values:
      • yes - Requesting a read receipt.
      • no - Not requesting a read receipt
  • encoding string
    • Specifies the encoding that is to be used in the email content. 
    • Allowed values: 
      • Big5
      • EUC-JP
      • EUC-KR
      • GB2312
      • ISO-2022-JP
      • ISO-8859-1
      • KOI8-R
      • Shift_JIS
      • US-ASCII
      • UTF-8
      • WINDOWS-1251
      • X-WINDOWS-ISO2022JP
    • The default value is UTF-8.
  • attachments Array of JSON objects
    • This parameter is an array consisting of JSON objects.
      • Each object in this array contain a key-value pair formatted as: 
        • attachmentName string
        • attachmentPath string
          • Specifies the path in which the attachment is stored .
          • This parameter can be fetched from Upload Attachments API.
        • storeName string
          • Specifies the name of the store where the attachment is saved.
          • This parameter can be fetched from Upload Attachments API.

To Schedule an Email:

With this API you can also schedule when to send your email. To schedule an email, follow the same procedure as above along with the upcoming additional parameters.

  • isSchedule boolean
    • Depending on whether the mail has to be scheduled or not, the value can be
      • true - if the email should be scheduled.
      • false - if the email should be sent immediately.          
  • scheduleType int
    • Specifies the type of scheduling.
    • Allowed values:
      • 1 - Schedules email to be sent after one hour from the time of the request.
      • 2 - Schedules email to be sent after two hours from the time of the request.
      • 3 - Schedules email to be sent after four hours from the time of the request.
      • 4 - Schedules email to be sent by the morning of the next day from the time of the request.
      • 5 - Schedules email to be sent by the afternoon of the next day from the time of the request.
      • 6 - Schedules email to be sent on the custom date and time of your choice.
  • timeZone string
    • Specify the timezone to schedule your email.
    • This parameter is mandatory if scheduleType is set to value 6. For example: GMT 5:30 (India Standard Time - Asia/Calcutta).
  • scheduleTime string
    • Specify the date and time you want to schedule your email. 
    • This parameter is mandatory if scheduleType is set to value 6. Format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS. For example: 09/15/2023 14:30:28


* - Mandatory parameter

Response Codes

Refer here for the response codes and their meaning.

Sample Request

For Single attachment:

Copiedcurl "" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization:Zoho-oauthtoken *****" \
-d '{
   "fromAddress": "",
   "toAddress": "",
   "ccAddress": "",
   "bccAddress": "",
   "subject": "abc",
   "content": "Email can never be dead. The most neutral and effective way, that can be used for one to many and two way communication.",
   "attachments": [
         "storeName": "NN2:-167775813820412438",
         "attachmentPath": "/1425407266885_ourholidays",
         "attachmentName": "ourholidays.jpg"

For Multiple attachments:

Copiedcurl "" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization:Zoho-oauthtoken *****" \
-d ' {
   "fromAddress": "",
   "toAddress": "",
   "ccAddress": "",
   "bccAddress": "",
   "subject": "abc",
   "content": "Email can never be dead. The most neutral and effective way, that can be used for one to many and two way communication.",
   "attachments": [
         "storeName": "NN2:-167775813820412438",
         "attachmentPath": "/1425407266885_ourholidays",
         "attachmentName": "ourholidays.jpg"
         "storeName": "NN2:-1677758138204234566",
         "attachmentPath": "/1425407266885_ourvacation",
         "attachmentName": "ourvacation.jpg"