
How can I associate a salesperson with a particular invoice?

You can associate one salesperson with an existing or a new invoice.

To associate a salesperson with a new invoice:

  • Go to the Sales module on the left sidebar and select Invoices.
  • Click + New on the top right corner of the page.
  • On the New Invoice page, enter the necessary details such as the Customer Name, Item Details, and other mandatory details.
  • Click the dropdown in the Salesperson field and click Manage Salesperson to create a new salesperson.
Click Manage Salesperson
  • On the Manage Salesperson page, click + New Salesperson.
Click + New Salesperson
  • Enter the Name and Email of the salesperson and click Save and Select.
Click Save and Select
  • Select the salesperson from the dropdown if you’ve already created a salesperson.
Select a salesperson
  • Click Save as Draft if you want to send the invoice to your customer at a later point in time. Click Save and Send if you want to send the email to your customer immediately.

To associate a salesperson with an existing invoice:

  • Go to the Sales module on the left sidebar and select Invoices.
  • Select the invoice for which you want to associate a salesperson.
  • On the Edit Invoice page, click the dropdown in the Salesperson field and click Manage Salesperson to create a new salesperson.
Click Manage Salesperson
  • On the Manage Salesperson page, click + New Salesperson.
Click + New Salesperson
  • Enter the Name and Email of the salesperson and click Save and Select.
Click Save and Select
  • Select the salesperson from the dropdown if you’ve already created a salesperson.
Select a salesperson
  • Click Save.

You can also delete or mark a salesperson as inactive. Here’s how:

  • Go to the Sales module on the left sidebar and select Invoices.
  • Select an invoice and click Edit on the invoice’s Details page.
  • On the Edit Invoice page, click the dropdown in the Salesperson field and select Manage Salesperson.
Click Manage Salesperson
  • In the pop up that appears, click the checkbox near the salesperson who you want to delete or mark as inactive.
  • Click More Actions and select the action that you want to perform.
Click More Actions

The salesperson will be deleted or marked as inactive.

Note: You cannot delete a salesperson who has transactions associated with them.

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