Per Diem
- Can I automate per diem expense creation?
- How do I set expense limit for each expense?
- Can I configure per diem rates for Germany?
- Can I associate taxes on per diem expenses?
- Can I create a common per diem rate for all locations?
- Can I configure per diem rates to be effective after a specific date?
- Is there an option to import per diem rates in bulk?
- How to define per diem rates based on travel hours?
- Is it possible to restrict users from submitting more than one per diem expense on the same date?
- Is it possible to set up different per diem rates for different cities within a country?
- Can I set up per diem rates for each country with its currency?
- How do I configure per diem to be calculated based on the number of hours that the employee works?
- How do I split my total per diem amount for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?