Demographic questions are also often included in other surveys. Typically used as a part of a market research survey, they help researchers identify factors unique to the demographic that might affect their decisions, opinions, and responses. Demographic information enables you to cross-tabulate and compare subgroups to see how responses vary between these groups.
Demographic information should also be taken to ensure the validity of a survey's results. The subset of responders that had access to the survey might not be an accurate representation of the population addressed by the survey. This issue is called a selection bias by statisticians. A classic example of selection bias affecting survey results was the 1936 Literary Digest poll that predicted Alf Landon would defeat Franklin D. Roosevelt. It turned out that Literary Digest's readership was disproportionately wealthy and Republican, resulting in an incorrect prediction.
Sometimes, you need more answers than your contacts can give you. To reach more respondents you could consider using a research panel. They are groups of verified people, with varied cultural, demographics and geographic backgrounds, who would be willing to be part of your research.
Zoho Survey's Buy Responses feature helps you pick a panel based on demographic, economic, and geographic attributes, and quickly collect responses for your research.
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