Receiving Payments


Auto-charging through Customer Portal

You can charge your customers automatically every month through Auto-charge. The customer portal lets your customers to view payment history, recent transactions and allow them to make payments online. Learn more about Customer Portal

You can associate a card or a bank account in the Customer Portal. Once you save the card or bank account while creating a recurring invoice, the subsequent recurring invoices will be charged automatically.

Pay Now

For Cards

In the pop-up, customers can click Make Payment and enter their card details.

Credit Card

For ACH Payments

ACH Payment Method

For GoCardless

If you are using the GoCardless integration, your customers will have to authorize that they’ve chosen to save the bank account by selecting the I authorize this organization to charge this bank account automatically for future transactions option.

Next, your customers must click Proceed To Payment to make the payment. Once the payment is made, the bank account will be saved in Zoho Books under the customer.


P.S: If customers leave the Use this card for future transactions option unchecked, Auto-charge feature will not be enabled. Your customers will be asked to enter their details again for another invoice generated from the recurring invoice.

Organization User:

Auto-charge by associating the Customer’s Card or Direct Debit

If you’ve saved your customer’s payment information in Zoho Books, you will be able to charge your customers for the invoices and recurring invoices that will be created in the future.

Insight: You can also auto-charge your customers who are using credit cards, ACH and direct debit (for GoCardless).

Associating Card through Contacts

Associate Card through Contacts

P.S: The Add New Card option will be available only if you have chosen the Create, Charge and Send Invoices for recurring invoice settings.

If you have enabled more than one Auto-charge supported payment gateway, an extra drop down will appear in the window asking you to select the preferred payment gateway.

If you create a recurring invoice for the contact after associating the card, the customer will be automatically charged for the invoices generated from the recurring invoice only if the card is again associated with the recurring profile.

If the customer has multiple cards, you will be asked to choose from the cards that are associated with the customer to charge them.

Associating Card through Recurring Invoice

Associating Card Recurring Invoice

If you have enabled more than one Auto-charge supported payment gateway, an extra drop down will appear in the window asking you to select the preferred payment gateway.

If you create another recurring invoice for the same contact after associating the card, the customer will be automatically charged for the invoices generated from the recurring invoice.

Note: If you wish to update the card information for a particular recurring invoice, navigate to Recurring Invoices tab under Sales and select the recurring invoice in which you would like to update. Click on Update Card placed above the invoice detail window and fill in the required details.GoCardless).

Update card

P.S: Even if the customer’s card is associated with the contact, Auto-charging will not happen unless the card is also associated with the recurring profile created for the contact.

Associating Direct Debit Account to a Recurring Invoice

Direct Debit Direct Debit

Manually Charge Customer

Payment for the invoice can be collected by manually charging your customer using their card details. Charging can either be done with the associated card of the customer or with another valid card.

Charge Customer

Charge Customer

If you have enabled more than one Auto-charge supported payment gateway, an extra drop down will appear in the window asking you to select the preferred payment gateway.

Charge Customer

P.S: The customer’s card information will be stored in the payment gateway which is used by you for the Auto-charge feature.

Recording Offline Payment

If your customer has paid for your invoices by cash, cheque or any other offline medium, you can record the payment on the invoice generated from the recurring profile.

Offline Payment

Offline Payment

Next >
Recurring Invoice Workflow


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