
How do I add additional information to my customer’s billing/shipping address?

You can use custom fields to record additional information and display them in your customer’s/vendor’s transaction PDFs by inserting the desired placeholders for them.

To create a custom field:

  • Go to Settings in the top-right corner.
  • Select Customers and Vendors under Preferences.
  • Navigate to the Field Customisation tab.
  • Click + New Custom Field.
  • Enter the necessary details.
  • Click Save.

You can display the custom field that you created in the transaction PDFs by inserting placeholders in the customer’s or vendor’s billing/shipping address.

To insert placeholders:

  • Go to Settings in the top-right corner.
  • Select Customers and Vendors under Preferences.
  • Click Insert Placeholders under Customer and Vendor Billing Address Format or Customer and Vendor Shipping Address Format.
  • Select the custom field that you created as placeholder from the dropdown.
  • Click Save.

The newly added information will now be displayed in the customer’s/vendor’s billing/shipping address.

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