
Can the modules in Zoho CRM be synced with Zoho Books?

Yes. You can sync your Zoho CRM modules in Zoho Books and vice versa, by intgerating your Zoho Books organization with Zoho CRM. You will have to enable this integration first.

To enable the integration:

  • Go to Settings in the top right corner of the page.

  • Select Zoho Apps under Integrations & Marketplace.

  • Go to Zoho CRM and click Connect.

  • ON THIS PAGE, under Zoho CRM Credentials, click Connect once again.
  • In the following pop-up, select your CRM Organization, and click Save.

  • Now, under Configure Module to be Synced, click Configure Now next to the following modules:

    • Contacts: This will allow your to sync Accounts/Contacts from Zoho CRM as contacts in Zoho Books.
    • Vendors: This will allow you to sync Vendors from Zoho CRM as Vendors in Zoho Books.
    • Items: This will allow you to sync Products from Zoho CRM as items in Zoho Books.
  • Clicking Configure now for the above modules will take you to the Connect - Accounts/Contacts in Zoho CRM page.

  • ON THIS PAGE, select the following options to sync modules from Zoho CRM to Zoho Books.

    1. Select Module in Zoho CRM:

    • Accounts: Accounts from Zoho CRM will be fetched as customers and contact persons in Zoho Books.
    • Contacts: Contacts from Zoho CRM will be fetched as customers in Zoho Books.
    • Accounts & their Contacts: Accounts and their associated contacts will be fetched as Customers and their associated contact persons in Zoho Books. You can check the option Include contacts that are not associated to any accounts in Zoho CRM to sync contacts that are not associated to your CRM account.

    2. Select the Extent of Sync:

    • Fetch from CRM: Sync only your Zoho CRM records with Zoho Books records.
    • Sync both ways: Sync both your Zoho CRM & Zoho Books records with each other.

    3. Choose how to handle duplicate records:

    • Clone: Create a new record with the same name, and retain the existing one as well.
    • Overwrite: Replace the existing record with the new one. This action cannot be undone.
    • Skip: The new record is not fetched and the existing record is retained.

    4. Select the view to be synced: The Accounts under the selected view will be fetched as Customers in Zoho Books.

    5. Map fields: If two or more Zoho Books fields are mapped to the same Zoho CRM field, the one mapped first/mandatory field will be pushed to Zoho CRM.

  • After completing these steps, click Save and Sync Now or click Save and Sync Later.

Now, you will be able to sync all the modules in Zoho CRM with Zoho Books.

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