
How do I configure multi-level approval for transactions?

Getting approvals for your sales and purchase transactions from multiple users might help your business avoid human errors. You may also need to set up an approval process based on your company’s hierarchy. In such cases, you can use the multi-level approval feature provided by Zoho Books.

To configure multi-level approval for transactions, you must first enable Transaction Approval. Here’s how:

To enable transaction approval:

  • Go to Settings in the top right corner of the page.
  • Select Approvals under Organisation.
  • Click Enable Sales Approval in the Sales Approval or Purchase Approval tab.

The sales or purchase approval will now be enabled with the default approval preference as All the approvers can approve.

To configure Multi-Level Approval:

  • Select the option Configure multi-level approval with specific approvers.
  • Add a user in the Level 1 Approver dropdown.
  • Click Add New Level to add multiple approvers.
  • Click Save.

Insight: Zoho Books allows you to add a maximum of 10 approvers. Once configured, the Level 1 approver can approve the transaction. Then, the Level 2 approver can approve it and so on. However, admins can bypass multiple levels of approval and approve transactions once and for all.

Learn more about Transaction Approvals.

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