- Who can approve reports?
- When does a user become the final approver?
- What happens when I reject a record?
- Can a rejected record be approved later?
- How do I set up a hierarchical approval flow?
- Can I set up multiple levels of approval?
- As an approver, can I edit the expenses in the reports that are submitted to me?
- Can reports with policy violations be approved?
- Can a rejected report be reimbursed?
- Can reports with expired expenses be approved?
- Can admins view and approve the reports submitted to another approver?
- Can I assign other users to approve reports on my behalf, temporarily?
- What happens when I select a user in the ‘Submits To’ section?
- What happens when I add a criterion to the ‘Submits To’ option?
- What happens when I select a user under the ‘Approves and Forwards To’ field?
- What happens when I add a criterion to the ‘Approves and Forwards To’ option?
- How can I automatically approve a report if the expense falls under a specific category and the total is below a specific amount?
- Can I change the approval flow after a report has been approved by the approver?
- Can I have both hierarchical and custom approval in my Zoho Expense organisation?
- Can two approvers simultaneously approve the same expense report?
- Why is the approver not changed after updating the information in the Settings?