Your best written work. Always.

The BluePencil browser extension is all you need to create powerful, concise, and error-free sentences on every platform.

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Also available for: firefox
Also available for: chrome


The whether looks unpredictable today.


concise writing

This definition cannot be used due to the fact that it is too limiting.


better writing

Remember to always be safe on the road.


There to help, wherever you are

Posting on social media? Drafting an important email? Get both basic and advanced writing assistance on the sites you use everyday.

Our pencil is always on the lookout to ensure your spelling, grammar, and punctuation are contextually perfect. Receive suggestions as you type in English, French, or Spanish.

Let’s eat Peter

Let’s eat Peter
Pocket Editor
Customized suggestions
Your personal canvas
Pocket Editor

Need more than spelling and grammar checks? A single click will expand the BluePencil extension to a full fledged pocket editor.


Convert English text to similar sounding words in another language. Type in English and Bluepencil will automatically transliterate it as you type.

Customized suggestions

Toggle on/off the different types of suggestions based on the nature of your writing. If you're drafting a casual email to your friends or family, then you can switch off the Informal Writing suggestions and BluePencil will ignore casual words and phrases.

Your personal canvas

Draft everything inside the Pocket Editor and get helpful the suggestions in real time so you can post it confidently wherever you want!

Better clarity

Concise writing is a vital part of any good read. That’s why BluePencil intelligently examines every element of your sentence to cut down lengthy sentences, run-on phrases, and more.

Better clarity

James bought a really cute mask to wear.

Better clarity
Improved writing style

Ensure that the project is completed in a timely manner.

Better clarity

Improved writing style

From suggesting better word choices to eliminating wordy phrases, BluePencil makes sure your writing is always top notch.

A Version of BluePencil for all your needs

  • Features Free (For those who want only
    Basic Grammar and spellcheck)
    Individual Premium (Get instant help with writing style and clarity for work and school)per monthTRY NOWBUY NOW Team Premium (Advanced checks and resources for professional writing and complex business communication)Starts at per month for 3 usersTRY NOWBUY NOW
  • Grammar
  • Spelling
  • Punctuation
  • Personal dictionary
  • Pocket Editor
    Wordy phrases
  • Sentence length
  • Informal writing
  • Non-inclusive language
  • Passive sentences
  • Commonly confused words
  • Better word choices
  • Rephrased sentences
  • Transliteration
  • Organization dictionary
  • User management

Get started. Write away!

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Also available for: firefox
Also available for: chrome