Zoho Inventory

Zoho InventoryInventory

Does Zoho Inventory support RFID scanning? If yes, how does it work?

Yes, Zoho Inventory supports RFID scanning in the web app. It is a two part process. Here is how it works:

Part - 1 : Recording the RFID of an item
  1. Go to Items module on the side bar and click + button. Or, open an existing item and click the edit (pencil icon) button.
  2. Place your cursor on the SKU field.
  3. Scan the RFID of the item using an RFID scanner.
  4. Fill up the essential details and hit Save.
Part - 2 : Adding items to transactions
  1. Open a new transaction (like an Invoice or a Bill).
  2. Place your cursor on the Item Details field.
  3. Scan the RFID of the item using an RFID scanner. You’ll see that the line item is automatically added.
  4. Follow the above step to scan more items, which will be added consecutively.

Note: You have to key in the RFID of the item as the SKU of said item to be able to retrieve it while creating transactions.