Zoho Inventory

Zoho InventoryInventory

What are the different editions of Zoho Inventory?

As of now we have 8 editions which are based on the country chosen by the user during the quick setup of the organization. The taxes are handled differently across different editions.

  • US edition - available to users who have chosen their country as the United States during the quick setup of their organization. For this edition, the tax module will support sales tax, compound tax, tax exemptions and tax authorities.
  • UK edition - available to users who have chosen their country as the United Kingdom during the quick setup of their organization. For this edition, VAT will be supported.
  • Global edition - Tuned for the ever-changing conditions of the world, this edition will be applied to all users whose country is not the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, UAE, Saudi Arabia or India.
  • Canadian edition - available to users who have chosen their country as Canada during the quick setup of their organization.
  • Australian edition - available to users who have chosen their country as Australia during the quick setup of their organization.
  • Indian edition - available to users who have chosen their country as India during the quick setup of their organization.
  • U.A.E edition - available to users who have chosen their country as UAE while signing up.
  • K.S.A edition - available to users who have chosen their country as Saudi Arabia while signing up.
  • Bahrain edition - available to users who have chosen their country as Bahrain while signing up.