Will I be able to associate Potentials with my expenses in Zoho Expense?
Yes, you will have to enable Potentials sync to associate potentials with the expenses. To enable the Potentials sync:
- Click Admin View on the left sidebar.
- Go to Settings on the left sidebar.
Click Settings in the top right corner of the page. - Go to Zoho Apps under Integrations.
- Select Zoho CRM.
- Click Show Details.
- Click Enable under Potentials.
You can select if you want to display all potentials or only the potentials associated with users. The potentials will be synced as contact person under each customer in Zoho Expense.
The contact person (potential) can be selected from the Attendees field while creating an expense. Hereโs how:
- Click Admin View on the left sidebar.
- Go to Settings on the left sidebar.
Click Settings in the top right corner of the page. - Go to Modules under Customization.
- Select Expenses.
- Go to the Fields tab.
- Check the field next to Attendees.
- Click Save.