Credit Note Preferences
In the Preferences section, you would be able to assign default terms and conditions and notes to your customers. Also, you can add additional fields to your credit notes by using Custom Field.
Terms & Conditions and Customer Notes{#t&c-notes}
Navigate to Credit Notes*.
Click the Gear icon in the top-right corner of the page and select Preferences.
Terms & Conditions, Customer Notes: Enter the terms & conditions and customer notes to be displayed in your credit notes. This will be displayed in all the credit notes created unless you change the content at the time of creating the credit note.
Alternatively, you can also navigate to Settings > Preferences > Credit Notes to access the preferences of the Credit Notes.

Custom Fields
Scenario: One of Sam’s customers want the credit note to include the reason the goods were returned. So Sam creates a custom field for it and ensures that the specific field is displayed on the credit note created to that particular customer.
Similarly, you can make use of Custom Fields to add additional details to your credit notes.
To create a Custom Field,
- Navigate to Settings > Preferences > Credit Notes.
- Click Field Customization and click + New Custom Field.
- Provide a name for your custom field in the Label Name section.
- You can choose to make the custom field mandatory and display it on the PDF based on your preferences.
- Click Save.
Learn more about Custom Fields.