Integrate Zoho Billing with Zoho SalesIQ

Zoho SalesIQ is live chat support software that lets your customers reach out to you easily. Integrating Zoho Billing with Zoho SalesIQ helps improve your customer relationship by providing round-the-clock assistance to your customers through a live chat option in the Customer Portal.

What can you do with this integration?

Set up the Integration

Now, your organization is connected to Zoho SalesIQ, and you can start providing support to your customers who access the Customer Portal.

Insight: You can connect to a different portal or website in SalesIQ by clicking Configure in the Integration Details page. However, this can be done only by the user who set up this integration.

Chat Widget in the Customer Portal

After you set up the integration, a small chat widget will be available in the bottom-right corner of the customer portal. Your customers can reach out to you using this chat widget.

SalesIQ Chat Widget

When clicked, this chat widget will expand to a chat window where your customers can mention their query and initiate a chat with you.

SalesIQ Chat Window
Insight: In Zoho SalesIQ, you can customize the chat widget and chat window to suit your organization. You can display your organization logo, choose a color, customize the message to be displayed, and more.

Handling Chats in Zoho SalesIQ

As soon as your customer sends a message from the chat window in the Customer Portal, you will be notified about it instantly in your connected Zoho SalesIQ portal.

You or any of your support agents can accept the chat request to start assisting the customer. When you accept the chat request, you’ll be connected to the customer and can reply to their queries.

Sales IQ Chats

If you or your agents miss a live chat request from a customer, you can find them under the Missed section of Zoho SalesIQ .

Zoho SalesIQ also offers you a set of features to help you assist customers faster and more efficiently. They are:

Canned Responses

A Canned response is a pre-defined message template that you can use to reply to commonly asked customer questions or messages. For example, you can create a canned response to ask your customers to share their invoice number for which they’re facing a payment issue.

Sales IQ Canned Responses

You can create many such canned responses from Zoho SalesIQ’s settings to help you reply to your customers faster.


Zobot is Zoho SalesIQ’s conversational AI assistant. It can be used to send automated replies to customers when you’re busy and are not able to reply to customers instantly. For example, you can configure the Zobot to send help document links automatically if your customers ask for them.

Track Online Visitors

In Zoho SalesIQ, in the Visitors section, you can track customers based on the time they spend in the Customer Portal. This could help you identify customers who have been spending more time on the portal, and prioritize their chat requests accordingly. You can also initiate chats with them from Zoho SalesIQ, if needed.

Learn more about Zoho SalesIQ and its features in Zoho SalesIQ’s help documentation.

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