Two weeks back Zoho partnered with OmniDrive to provide online document editing right from the storage service. Yesterday, Aaron Levie from announced integration with Zoho Writer to open and edit your word documents in Zoho Writer. Aaron mentions in his blog post…
It recently came to our attention that Zoho had opened up their APIs to help fulfill other websites’ document editing needs (credit to OmniDrive). So we quickly whipped up an update to the site that will now allow you to edit your Microsoft Word documents that are stored in your Box. There is no need to download the file you want to view or modify – just select “Edit Document†in the right-click option menu for your .doc file and Zoho will launch a new tab or window with your file! Then, make any edits you want and click “Save†in the upper left hand corner of the Zoho window. This will automatically save your updated file back to your Box.
We’d like to thank and look forward for further integration. We are very glad to see companies implementing our API and look forward for more such integrations.

For those of you who wish to use Zoho Remote APIs in your applications, below are the links.
Zoho Writer:
Zoho Sheet:
Zoli and Solo Technology also covered this story.
I've been testing this feature, and it's great. But the integration seems to be just one-way from Box to Zoho and back to It would be nice to also be able to save a file from Zoho into
I've been testing this feature, and it's great. But the integration seems to be just one-way from Box to Zoho and back to It would be nice to also be able to save a file from Zoho into