Office vs Online Office : Telephone vs Mobile Phone

Many users consider online office applications as a replica of their offline counterparts. While the purpose of these applications is the same, their usage mode is significantly different.

The right analogy here is to compare offline office suites to traditional wired telephones and online office suites to mobile phones. The core function for both the devices is the same, but the mobility adds a new dimension to cell phones. Attaching a camera to your land line doesn't make sense, but now that the phone is mobile and is available wherever you go, it makes perfect sense. Mobility adds this new dimension. Similarly there are other dimensions (like collaborative editing) which are unique to online applications. You'll see some interesting use cases like this emerge which are traditionally not possible.

But then, lets be practical. Online office applications do have their limitations and they don't yet offer whatever their offline counterparts offer today. That doesn't mean they won't get there. Its a matter of time. Online office suites are just 2 years old which probably can be compared to early versions of mobile phones. Over the next few years, you'll see greater improvements. Going forward we might see similarities between adoption of online office suites and mobile phones where some users will solely depend on mobile phones, some users using both and some sticking with their wired line.

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8 Replies to Office vs Online Office : Telephone vs Mobile Phone

  1. Greetings Zoho and Thanks for the Apps!I wish to voice my appreciations that my New York home school can use Zoho Writer on Firefox 2.0 on long donated 2003 iBook's Panther OS 1.3.9 as equally well as on my own Intel MacBook counterpart without the worry of browser advancement leaving our "vintage" machines in the dust.Zoho is the great app equalizer which allows older systems to access and use apps which are far more advanced than those of stand-alone "obsolete" ones on older machines. My charity worker sister overseas reminds me that many third world countries can barely afford maintaining second hand donated machines for their students, much purchasing less the latest and greatest machines or apps or browsers, and in such cases Zoho helps them from being left out in a lurch.So I wish to thank Zoho for advancing its apps while not forgetting to bring along the not so cutting-edge crowd into the future too!Jim in Queens, New York

  2. Greetings Zoho and Thanks for the Apps!I wish to voice my appreciations that my New York home school can use Zoho Writer on Firefox 2.0 on long donated 2003 iBook's Panther OS 1.3.9 as equally well as on my own Intel MacBook counterpart without the worry of browser advancement leaving our "vintage" machines in the dust.Zoho is the great app equalizer which allows older systems to access and use apps which are far more advanced than those of stand-alone "obsolete" ones on older machines. My charity worker sister overseas reminds me that many third world countries can barely afford maintaining second hand donated machines for their students, much purchasing less the latest and greatest machines or apps or browsers, and in such cases Zoho helps them from being left out in a lurch.So I wish to thank Zoho for advancing its apps while not forgetting to bring along the not so cutting-edge crowd into the future too!Jim in Queens, New York

  3. I agree that online apps have a growing place and I'm trying to figure out how to best use Zoho apps for myself personally. The biggest limitation is the lack of ubiquitous Internet. I travel to Tuscany, Italy a lot (I'm retired from the computer industry),but can't always get Internet and I will never pay AT&T's unreasonable international roaming rates to use the iPhone. When I sometimes do get Internet, it is Dial-Up.

  4. I agree that online apps have a growing place and I'm trying to figure out how to best use Zoho apps for myself personally. The biggest limitation is the lack of ubiquitous Internet. I travel to Tuscany, Italy a lot (I'm retired from the computer industry),but can't always get Internet and I will never pay AT&T's unreasonable international roaming rates to use the iPhone. When I sometimes do get Internet, it is Dial-Up.

  5. Congrats.I read about this service only this morning as a piece of info on Google Chrome developmental works!I am not from your industry at all. But the ever spreading horizon of the applications or usage or its limitless gains are truly un-believable.Well, I could see something big developing that can beat the famous ---- -----.All the bestMani

  6. Congrats.I read about this service only this morning as a piece of info on Google Chrome developmental works!I am not from your industry at all. But the ever spreading horizon of the applications or usage or its limitless gains are truly un-believable.Well, I could see something big developing that can beat the famous ---- -----.All the bestMani

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