‘The Minnesota Daily’ on Zoho

'The Minnesota Daily' in an article titled 'Microsoft Office on the way out' reports that some government agencies in the USA have banned usage of Vista on their computers. The article points incompatibility with other software as the reason. It goes on to add that online office applications have already started making inroads and has the below to say about Zoho :

Even more exciting than Google's new offering is another online program called Zoho. Unlike Google Apps, Zoho has its own version of PowerPoint and can produce charts from spreadsheets; as of now. Zoho is additionally compatible with Microsoft Office and allows users to work in Office while offline and transfer work easily back and forth.

Currently, it is most useful to use Google Apps and Zoho in conjunction with Microsoft's already established and universally accepted Office programs. It is, however, worth noting how quickly the online applications have made their mark, and the abundance of options can only mean good things for students and consumers.


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