Announcing Zoho Mail 2018, our coolest UI update

It’s been nearly two and a half years since the launch of the current user interface in Zoho Mail, and over 95% of our users are on this version and loving it! We'd like to thank you for all the positive reviews and the constructive feedback on the new and advanced features that were added in that release. It motivated us to create an even better version for you—Zoho Mail 2018.

Curious what to expect from Zoho Mail 2018? We're here to give you a sneak peek of all the changes we've made to the UI.

New additions in Zoho Mail 2018

Tabs on Top

The tabs that were on the side have now been moved to the top of your Mailbox.

Addressing frequent feedback from our old UI users, we've implemented Tabs on Top in this version. They're now visually more akin to the tabs used in other major web browsers.

Fresh look

Your mailbox has been revamped to give it a fresh new look.

We decided to help the icons in the App bar, and the Quick Actions buttons, stand out more by redesigning them and making them more colorful.

Super Compact view

One more way of looking at your mail listing. 

For those who like the Compact view because it lets you view more emails at once, we've taken it a step further with the Super Compact view. Designed to address our users who like to view large numbers of emails at once, it'll definitely save you some scrolling time.

Advanced Search

The ‘Advanced Search’ functionality is packed into the top right corner of your mailbox.

More than meets the eye, Advanced Search helps you track down elusive content hiding in your inbox, even with the tiniest detail you can remember.

Attachment viewer, Settings, and What’s New:

Attachment viewer, Settings, and What’s new icons are now on the right side of your mailbox

With the tabs and search bar replacing the top bar, the other icons on it are shifted to the right side of your mailbox for better visibility.

Enhanced Settings

Settings just got user-friendly with the Card view.

Settings have been enhanced with a Card view for better visibility and accessibility. Customizing your mailbox with these options is a much simpler process now, with the settings categorized and split up into cards.

You can access Zoho Mail 2018 in your mailbox by clicking  >> ‘Try Zoho Mail 2018’.

As always, your feedback and support are highly appreciated! :) 

What to expect if you're using the Old UI

Before we delve into this, for those of you who aren’t aware of how the Old UI looks:

*If you're not using this version, please skip to the end of the blog.

If you're using this UI, you're missing out on many features and functionalities that Zoho Mail has to offer. In addition to being easier to access and navigate, the latest UI is designed with speed in mind.

A visual peek at cool stuff you might be missing out on:

Due to upgrades in browser standards, these advanced features can only be supported in the newer versions of Zoho Mail.

Still hesitating to make the switch? Zoho Mail 2018 now sports Tabs on Top (a popular request). You’ll feel right at home with tabs at the top of your mailbox, just like in the old UI, but with much better functionalities.

To access Zoho Mail 2018, click 'Try New version', which will take you to the Previous version of the UI and click on   >> ‘Try Zoho Mail 2018’.

With our goal set on building advanced features to benefit our business email users and bringing a modern approach to emailing, we've decided to cease supporting the old UI, in order to fully concentrate on upgrading our existing one. It will be replaced with Zoho Mail 2018 after the beta phase of two weeks, starting today. All users will be automatically moved to Zoho Mail 2018 on May 18, 2018.

We always strive to keep you updated on the latest features through our Blog and What’s New page, and we'd like to thank you all for being with Zoho Mail on this long and incredible journey. You’ve been with us as we grew into this remarkable product, and your support means the world to us. All these updates are intended to make your email experience a great one. So give it a try and let us know how you feel in the comments below. Your feedback and encouragement will always make our day! :)

Get the complete Zoho advantage: you can now use Zoho Mail along with the broad suite of products that Zoho offers by signing up for Zoho Workplace or Zoho One.


299 Replies to Announcing Zoho Mail 2018, our coolest UI update

  1. Hi Zoho, I am still waiting if Zoho can do something with the new UI, you made some small change like vintage theme, You Know, When I have a large email reading in middle of it, I can not replay or forward, I need to go down or up, but I have "chat", "previous", "popout".... it sounds crazy but it is true !!, no replay or forward but I have chat etc.. things that we do not use, I miss old UI., very useful Also, I can not understand, why now we have small "buttons" and "flat" to replay, replay all, forward.. but we have HUGE.. yes HUGE Globe.. yes it is so funny..HUGE GLOBE for nothing, HUGE Calendar, Taks, Notes, Contacts, Bookmarks buttons.. this big buttons we do not use every day so it can be like option in a menu, like you have it on the left Top (no useful, lose space, marketing..), similar icon that google use in his page web, Could be so nice if we have this big buttons for replay, forward, edit as new.., it could be AMAZING!! and EASY., instead of to lose time or to be worry if I choose a wrong small button to replay etc.. If Zoho make some updates it is to help us with a comfortable email interface, but the true it is not useful because I put a lot of attention if I make a mistake on this UI, small and flat buttons tiring mi eyes and my mind, I think most all regrets about this UI are owner of his business, or owner of Pymes, could you think Zoho if you have 3 companies all setup on Zoho, the owner of his company need to be very focus in his companies, in his job, now he needs to be focus in this UI, loosing time, feeling annoying with it, Maybe, who is developing this UI are very great doing his job, but they don't have any experience how to be a owner of a company, if many user are owners or working by themselves, need a very simple interface like we had few weeks ago, as for this reason I choose Zoho 5 years ago when Yahoo did the same, To list emails from this sender..., before only was in Inbox, now it is all folders., could you imagine how many emails can find, then needing to choose what email I really need to read,.. Contacts.., Can someone of Zoho can give a class or teach me how to find a contact, I tried by name, by last name, by email.., no works.., I win a anger and a deception, losing time for something so simple to do, whatever email supplier give it so easy, now it is difficult and not work, and I found it by myself looking one by one...., The old UI was so simple Technology is to make simple and easy our job, developer of this UI didn't think on owners Pymes, small companies, just Zoho made something beautiful with a lot of functions, no useful, it is difficult to see what email was replayed .. etc, lot of user gave you a lot of complains, really I hate to work now.., I bought a Drone and VR glasses to use my time because this UI., Thanks Zoho for give me free time..,I wait to find an employee and to see if he can manage a company from a tablet or a phone, with this beautiful UI.. if Zoho have a great team, very hardworking programmers , why not to make something simple like an option, and let us to choose what UI is perfect for us. While I wait news of you Zoho... I read something on the Internet "SOFTWARE MADE TO MAKE EMAIL EASIER" - Thunderbird - I am going to setup by Imap.. Zoho... I can not hurt my eyes..

  2. Desktop app still not working for Linux. Was hanging up, I did update and was OK for a few days. Today I get "Dowloading static update", then "installing static update". It;s been stuck there for the last couple of hours.

    1. Hey Ken, If the "installing static update" message is still displayed in your Desktop Lite client, please uninstall the deb package and use this appimage version. For further queries or issues please contact for us to help you out.

  3. I hate this new system. I have an urgent email to send to government officials with a deadline of today and I need to forward and edit text from another email, I have spent one hour trying to work out how to do it!!!! And still cannot work it out! THE OLD SYSTEM WAS MUCH EASIER TO USE!!

  4. Loved the old view and style of Zoho mail, cannot abide the new style, so will probably be looking again to switch to another email system, 'cos this just is uncomfortable to look at too much BOLD and white and space. Shame because I did love Zoho

  5. Don't be fooled by the 95% positive reviews. 95% of the user feedback on the Zoho page regarding the new interface is negative. I tried to make this comment earlier and it apparently got censored.

    1. I've also have four or five comments removed or censored. Glad to see it's not only happening to me. But it DOES make me question Zoho as an organization, and makes me question their ethics

    2. The thing that I can never understand when something is working well, they change it so it hardly works at all? Boggles my mind. tbh

      1. Like I've said - ALL WEB COMPANIES are doing this. No company wants to manage two codebases for a site, when one will do. And every initiative these days is Mobile First - that's where the larger user base is. Desktop use is shrinking, and is no longer the target. However, they've had to back track and offer an older theme, because the backlash was more than expected. I would think the "Old Theme" is a modification of the new UI. No 3D buttons or anything like the old theme had. As of the last few days, I'm becoming ore accustomed to the new UI. It's how most mail web sites work nowadays, and if you're used to a tablet, you should feel at home.

        1. Never used a tablet, and don't plan to in the immediate future, so am not happy with the new format if that's entirely why it was changed. And I doubt that ALL web companies are doing this, as I'm sure they're probably getting their own complaints from people who don't approve of THEIR unnecessary changes. If it doesn't benefit their customers, it doesn't benefit their customers, and they go elsewhere. I'm not able to do so currently because of my schedule, but I will leave if something is not done soon. People don't have to put up with what's dished out just because it's new and something someone thinks is better. I'm glad Zoho is allowing some dialogue on the subject, especially when people ARE so unhappy.

  6. If you read the comments on the Zoho site from Zoho users you will find that 95% would prefer to use the old version because of the simplicity of the interface. I made the decision to use Zoho because of its simplicity but now have no choice because they shut the more friendly interface down. Actually, I do have a choice, don't I? Reminds me of New Coke.. but at least Coke didn't do away with Classic Coke.

  7. "For those who like the Compact view because it lets you view more emails at once, we’ve taken it a step further with the Super Compact view." It seems it is possible to switch between the two, but if so, where?

    1. Hey Bob, On the top right corner of your mailbox (on the menu bar) is the 'Change view' button. Click on that and select the view you prefer: Classic, Compact, or Super compact. Please let us know if you need further assistance, we are happy to help you.

  8. A follow up to my previous comments, I found the option to change the format, that fixed half my complaint, However not having the option to automatically forward emails, that was available in the previous version, would force me to have to move to another service. Have I just not been looking in the right place or has that option been removed in this new version?.

  9. What a waste of space, remove the white space and put the sender in a separate column, and I could put up with your new interface. Other wise I am going to have to look for another email server. Oh! and I can't find the option to forward my emails?? If that is not available then I will be forced to move to another service.

  10. The older version had a nice, simple/user friendly application/interface. Bring it back, bring it back pleeeeeeze :)

  11. version 1/older version was so simple to use and it was AWESOME in every way! I only wish they would give us the option to still use it. This makes me very sad :(

    1. Hey J.Vishweshwara, Please click on 'more actions' menu inside the email (right next to the 'forward' icon) and select 'Print' from the drop-down box. You can also use the keyboard shortcut 'Command+p' or 'Ctrl+p'.

  12. I have redirected another email address to zoho. With the new version, I need to click twice to have access to that mailbox and same to switchback. It is a lot of trouble since I use both mailboxes a lot. Before there was an icon in the left menu. Now, the switch proceeds through a click in the second menu from the left, at the bottom. Thank you for informing me if there is a way to make that swith faster, as it was before.

  13. Don't like the new version. How do I get rid of the folders on the left side of the screen (the calendar, tasks, notes, etc), I don't use any of them. How do I adjust the width of the folders menu to make it narrower so I can have a larger area for my list of emails. Too much white on the opened email. Why is there a large empty, blank gap from the top of the page down to the text? Condensing the page looks even worse. How do I break up the amount of emails on a page? I used to have it at 50, and now it runs into infinity on one page.

    1. I'll be OK with the new version once the messages can be viewed underneath (as in horizontal preview. But it's working good on my systems. I do have an older notebook running Puppy Linux, and the new UI is as slow as snot on that machine. But it works.

    2. Actually I have an older system using a Dual Xeon CPU (which was speedy on the old UI). It's quite slow on the new UI. So it's only lighter on modern hardware.

  14. Hi, Tina! I'm a little old lady who hates change because it's hard enough to remember how to do things I've been doing for years! I've been using the oldest version because it was the simplest, and it looks like you have tried to make version 3 close to version 1 for those of us who didn't like version 2. You kids did a good job. I don't care for the shininess of v3, but I'll get used to it. The only things I've ever wished for while using v1 zoho is sort-by-sender or sort-by-subject (especially while searching the trash for something that I discarded a month ago that I now realize I need) and the ability to immediately see the next email (after deleting the one I'm reading) when I have a very full inbox. Does v3 have those features? If so, how do I turn them on? I appreciate you guys indulging my desire to use v1 for a couple years longer while you worked on a way to combine v1 and v2 into v3. Thank you.

    1. Hello Mrs. Ward, Thank you for your kind words. We are glad you like Zoho Mail 2018! With many of our users requesting this feature, Sort by sender option is on our roadmap and will be available in our future updates. All emails in the trash folder will automatically be deleted in 30 days, so please be careful while deleting the emails which you might need later. You can try the archive option instead and retrieve them later by choosing Filter icon (on the menu bar of a folder) >> Archived, to view the archived emails of the particular folder. Regarding the ability to see the next email after deleting the previous one, we already have that in Zoho Mail 2018 :) In case of further assistance please write to us at for us to help you out.

  15. It's really good to see you guys working on this. This is the third style I know for zoho mail, it's feeling like we're growing together. Thank you for your great work!

  16. I have difficulty reading white on black. Is it possible to change the colours? Otherwise please can I keep the old version, which I can read?

    1. Me too. I want to change the colors on the new version. I loved the personalization options on the previous two email designs and miss it here.

  17. Where is the option of reading pane view? It more efficient for me to use reading pane preview rather than a new tab. Also please provide the option of setting image background with blurring and vignette effect as has been provided in new Gmail version. It's very intuitive and refreshing feeling. Another wishlist for me is improvements in the calendar and task app inside Zoho mail. They are the drag to the new Zoho mail UI and lack behind their competitor's offerings.

    1. Hey Shivam, As of the moment, we only support the vertical preview to the right-side of the mailbox. However, we'll pass on your requests of both preview pane and themes to our product development team and will keep you posted on the updates. In the meantime, we recommend you try the Reader view feature in Zoho Mail to read your emails. Regarding your wishlist of improvements in Calendar and Task apps in Zoho Mail, please write to us with a detailed description of what improvements you want in them to for us to understand you better.

  18. Very sorry to receive the notification that I am about to be forced to use your new interface. I have tried it out a number of times over the years and found it terrible every time. I was a passionate advocate for Zoho and used to recommend it whenever possible. This stopped when I realised new users didn't have the option of the old UI. Myself now having to use it is a game changer for me. So so disappointed. Sorry Zoho but time for me to move along.

    1. Hey Sally, You are probably talking about our previous version. We have implemented many features of the old UI in Zoho Mail 2018 to make your transition a smooth one. Please do try it out and let us know whatever you feel is missing for us to help you out further.

      1. I'm talking about this version (which I tried today before writing above comment hoping you'd made some radical change since the last time I tried your "latest" version). This is what I hoped every time I tried your latest version over the years. It is ugly, clunky and overcrowded. It lacks simplicity, style and usability.

        1. Tina, The only suggestion is to keep the old version the way it always was. Listen to your customers! Most comments disapprove the new interface. Please, at least give us the option to choose. The old version is extremely functional and practical. It satisfies us all! It does not need changes or improvements. Or, please, listen to us and leave the option to choose! Without the option unfortunately we will have to migrate to another server. We do not want to be forced to do this.

  19. It seems that one of the enhancements in the new format is removal of the automatic email-forwarding capability that was previously available to the free accounts. What a wonderful new feature that makes it much more difficult and time consuming to back up your incoming emails to another account in order to protect against site down occurrences or data loss or corruption on the server. Don't take all these changes too hard folks. As the divide between the haves and have-nots widens, we can all look forward to the elimination of free accounts altogether in the not-so-distant future.

  20. I do not like the new version and will look for other options. LOVED the old was simple, I could adjust the inbox between email address and subject. Not sure If I will stay with zoho

  21. Can you guys please fix the new look's search function? I loved how there was a a big search bar right above. The corner is really annoying and not very user friendly.

  22. Why take the old version? I used the old version 5 years ago and it's great! It's easy, clean and practical! I did not like the new version. It's very polluted, dirty. It looks messy and is not practical visually. PLEASE MAINTAIN THE OLD VERSION AVAILABLE! SAVE THE OLD VERSION!

  23. Guess there's nothing I can do about this. However, if I find the new email service loaded with features I don't need or want, if I find it too complicated to use, I'll just close my Zoho Account and go with another free email service.

  24. I pressed the "Try zoho mail" and my computer is still locked up. I can't do anything? I see you want my email below... well I can't access it if you answer me!

  25. You new UI version is very nice, people always want the OLD one, but its a short time, then they get used to it as it happens with facebook changes, congrats guys !

      1. You accept "kind" words, but not words of concern. We would like a choice to remain with the older version until the bugs are out of the new version, or until we decide the new version does not fit our needs and go elsewhere.

  26. This is terrible. We use this for our business and Zoho was so easy to navigate that is why we chose it. Guess it's time for a change since this is the most complicated, unnecessary, unwanted and wasteful change you could have ever done! Goodbye Zoho! I will use my new email for reference as I will not be logging in to Zoho again. Back to the basics AOL

  27. So unimpressed with the new version which is horrible on my mobile phone. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the previous version. Please give me the option to choose.

    1. Hey Paul, We are a little unclear on what you mean. Are you referring to our mobile app? If yes, we haven't changed anything in it. Zoho mail 2018 version is available only in Webmail and Desktop Lite client. In case of further queries please write to us at for us to help you out further :)

      1. Good afternoon Ms Raffal ( I'm really not into the whole millenial thing so please forgive the lack of Hey ) What I mean, to make it clear is that I woke up this morning and am informed, I stress informed ie. not given a choice, that a service that I have used and paid for for probably 4 years will be changed pretty much overnight and that I don't have a choice in the matter. It's not good business and frankly it's not good manners. I also refuse to the use the word App. All I know is that when I checked my email on my mobile phone this morning, everything has changed and as of tomorrow I don't have a choice. No need to respond, I suspect your client base will make their feelings very clear come renewal. BTW - to you until we have met I am Mr Blackman

        1. Hello Mr Blackman, We would like to apologize for having unknowingly offended you by addressing you by your first name. This was not an overnight change as the new version of the UI had been announced earlier (2 years back) and this current version is just a revamp of the new version. This too had been announced by us about a fortnight ago! All the changes we have made has been in the interest of our users and to update our application to suit the latest versions of popular browsers. If you prefer using your phone for checking email we recommend you download our mobile applications available for Apple and Android devices. In case you have any specific feedback on why the new interface doesn't work for you, please let us know to assist in the transition.

        2. Just one other thing @Paul (that's how you refer to a poster properly), the word "app" is legit in the way that she used it. So you can refuse all you want. But what else would you call a phone app? Perhaps an "applet" but that term has fallen out of favour.

        3. Easy there Paul (oops I mean Mr , well anyway). While I agree about the mail problem, no one call people by titles on the web. I'm a 48 year old man, but with a name like Jody, I could be a Ms, Miss or a Mr. You have a modernize a wee bit. It's a casual environment. Inisisting on the "respect your elders" thing doesn't win friends. It just alienates you from others. However, you are right, there is no opportunity to change it. Tina will vehemently deny this has to do with making mobile-centric sites work on the desktop, tablet and phone. But this is why all companies are making this type of change. 3D buttons, and desktop friendly buttons don't translate well to a phone, and it just means more work to maintain two versions when one will do.

    1. Hey Uwe, Our Product Development team is currently working on to improve the width of the preview pane in Zoho Mail 2018 and also making it adjustable as per the request of many users and we are happy to let you know that it'll be available in our next update :)

  28. Haven't switched yet...and after reading many of the comments..I wish I didn't have to. Any way to keep the current version? Seems I have no choice...but would like one.

    1. Hey P, Please do give Zoho Mail 2018 a try and give us your feedback or suggestions. We are happy to assist you in making your transition as smooth as possible.

  29. You don't know how much I have to pull myself together to hold back all the insults I want to throw at you. I chose Zoho in 2012 after hours of research precisely because it was NOT like this.

  30. Why can't you just leave things alone? I'm fine with the old version and I'd like to stay with it. The old version is better. Huge thumbs down!

  31. I hope we can still use the old Version. I hate the new Version and believe me I have tried to like it, but it just not user friendly. Why mess up with a great product? Why not listen to you clients and not go ahead with the New Version that sucks?

  32. Hi Tina, I was wondering. I can't figure out how to get the reading pane to stack vertically. It only allows me to see the reading pane to the right. How can I switch that?

  33. I do not want the tabs at the top. Can we revert back to the old version? How can I stop the upgrade? This does NOT work with my business processes. Please let me know how I maintain the current version.

  34. I liked the x on the right of inbox to quickly delete incoming rubbish - now it means two clicks. I agree with most of the recent comments. Never liked Yahoo, went from Gmail to Zoho when Gmail messed up their interface. WHY does Zoho have to change from the old perfect interface? KISS keep it simple ...

    1. Hey B, You can still delete an email from your inbox in a single click by using the 'trash' icon available on the right side of the inbox when you hover over an email. We hope this helps, and if you need further assistance, we are happy to assist you in making a smooth transition to Zoho Mail 2018 :)

  35. I HATE the new version. The font is way too small and there's too much white space around making it very hard to read. The action - reply, forward, attach ets - icons at the side are another inconvenience. The old position just above the message was the - too tiny icons - need me to take my eyes off the message and search them out! I loved the old version and have always endorsed Zoho's functionality. This is so (poor) style over function. Please provide an option to retain the old version.

      1. Hey Jay, We are listening to our users and take their feedback/suggestions very seriously. Our product development team have fixed the white background in the logo issue and are also working on making the preview pane wider and adjustable along with other fixes. We assure you that we are trying to provide the features our users want by prioritizing them.

  36. But it's exactly the 'many features and functionalities' that keep me from voluntarily switching to the new version. I don't need any of that stuff, I have no interest in emoticons or conversations or tasks and notes or any of that. And I really, really don't want to lose everything I use every day. I tried the new version when it first came out and I hated it. Just keep it simple and stop giving me 'features' that you have decided I must want. I don't.

  37. I'm still using the oldest version, and the reason why is that it's not possible to have the preview pane under the mail list. With the new version I didn't manage to have the preview another way than at the right of the screen. The problem is that with all the horizontal panes, we are really wasting space horizontally and with the preview open, we don't have a lot of space to be able to see the mail list and the preview at the same time...

    1. Hey Karim, As many of our Old UI users have requested this type of Preview in Zoho Mail 2018, we have already sent it to our Product Development team for consideration. We'll keep you posted on the updates.

  38. Can we subscribe and KEEP the older version of Zoho Mail and not have to change? Please? I'd pay $50 bucks a month to simply NOT EVER HAVE TO LEARN A NEW EMAIL PROGRAM AGAIN.. there's no reason on Gods' green earth that we should have to take our time and energy to learn a whole new email program especially when we were delighted with it the way it was... Please have your designers figure out a way to save the world or something else that's constructive rather than over-engineering an email platform that is already perfect!!!!! I just went through this crap with a Window's and Quicken update and BOTH are over engineerd and MISERABLE to work with , and now.. simple straight forward Zoho is going to complicate my life with a stupid email update?????? WHY WHY WHY!!! even at the beginning of your blog (above) you start off by saying how much we all loved your email so why the hell are you changing it???? not one person here wants or needs a change. just charge us for the bloody service and keep it the same.. and send your designers to play golf or solve other problems on the globe rather than create more problems for your customers by creating and updating an email service that's ALREADY PERFECT! Please DONT CHANGE THE EMAIL.. I beg you! Please DONT Change it! please just offer us a chance to keep the old email and charge us a monthly fee, and you'll see that every single one of us will KEEP the existing EMAIL THE WAY IT IS!

    1. Hi Jill: The problem is though if they were they keep the old UI, then Zoho would have two code bases to manage. The whole idea of doing this UI makeover is to manage one codebase that is geared primarily for mobile phones. IT and web companies are enforcing a mobile-first strategy. The smartphone and tablet OS (like Android and Google) are sadly (but understandably) top priority. And by making these websites cater to this environment, they can just make the same site resize for the desktop. It doesn't have to work great on the desktop. It just has pass muster. Desktop UIs on Windows especially, are heading for the cemetery. Check out Microsoft's cloud initiatives. You'll see Windows is taking a back-seat. Every company is following suit, and it's only going to put the desktop further back towards irrelevance. Remember, I am also an avid desktop user. I'm just seeing reality for what it is.

      1. What, is Zoho trying to be like Microsoft? Many of us use Zoho to get away from Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo. Please do not make the mistake the other three did. Please listen to your customer base. There has been a lot of good constructive criticism that seems to be ignored by Zoho developers.

      2. Geared towards mobile phones? I have no mobile phone. I'm here to read and write e-mails, not to make phone calls ...

        1. @N Gaetner: I hear you completely. Funny thing is, most smartphone users are using their phones to make call either. Smartphones are MOST people's primary Internet device, so that becomes the crowd developers will follow.


    1. Hey Jill, You can still open and use multiple tabs, emails, and templates. Regarding your issue with Conversations in emails, you can go to Settings >> Conversations and turn it off and the emails will once again appear as individual emails. If you need further clarifications on this we will be happy to assist you.

  40. We are using Zoho for business email. Can you please advise if our storage folders with records we want to keep, will be retained in the new version? Many thanks. Edith

  41. The format is difficult to read. From an art standpoint, the new format is downright ugly -- gray/black, really? Couldn't you at least try teal, or some other actual color -- or, here's a thought, easy-to-read white? The new format requires greater effort to manage. Conclusion: there are no real improvements, just a change to appear social media-hip. Is Zoho trying to attract junior high students by wasting screen space on the left side with a bunch of social-media icons? I thought Zoho originated as a Business application. The new format is not business-like -- it's quite juvenile. The point of email is to receive, send and organize information. The new format hinders each of these functions. Change for the sake of change is not worth a company's effort to configure, or a user's effort to re-adapt. Forcing change, instead of providing it as a choice, is in discord with free will, goodwill, and liberty. I prefer to support those supporting free will, goodwill and liberty. What mean-spirited space alien is running Zoho these days? Apparently one that feeds on human frustration, and a clone to those bred at Google, Microsoft, and the federal government. Yum. Where's my straw? Suck, suck.

  42. The new UI does not allow moving a large group of contacts from "To" to "BCC" Using "To" will send any reply to all of the contacts. With the old UI I could simply highlight all the contacts, right-click on delete, and paste them into BCC. The new UI requires one to move each contact to BCC by dragging them one-by-one. This is extremely time consuming and I can't believe that you could not have allowed the entire group to be easily moved to BCC as was possible in the old UI.

  43. Hello, I have played with the new interface and it is pleasing to the eye but is missing some of the functionality of the old interface. Is there an area where we can let you guys know on things like this?

  44. Hi Tina, How/is it possible to make wider tabs? And make inactive Tab with visible("gray"?) background and "x" - as I accidentally click "x" when fast switching between Tabs and close tab, as it I don't see it before mouse over it(I do it fast). And can you make adjustable width for list of emails, preview, folders list - as it was in Old UI? As sometimes I need wider list and sometimes wider preview.

    1. Hey Alex, Thank you for your suggestion on adding a background color to the close button, we'll definitely pass it on to our development team and keep you posted on the updates. We are also working on providing the mail preview with adjustable width, and we'll keep you posted about it in the upcoming updates.

  45. Clear, transparent, simply best. Im still using Gmail as default mailbox but im smoothly switching to your mail. The features it offers is simply astonishing. Thank you for your hard work!

    1. Hey Styamaza, We are glad you like using Super Compact View in Zoho Mail 2018! Unfortunately, we do not support sorting by sender yet. We have passed on this request to our development team and will keep you posted on the updates :)

  46. I tried to go to new version in my desktop app. Now it just sits there loading app and nothing else. I'm running Linux Mint 18

    1. Hey Ken, Please ensure you are in the latest version of the Desktop Lite client (version 1.0.2). You can download it from here. If the problem persists please write to us at for us to troubleshoot and fix it for you.

  47. I love your businesses. I use your free mail system for my company. Also I use zoho docs with my partners too. Thank you for updates and free stuff. I want to buy professional types when i got my business grove. I have a question. Can I use 3 different mails at one time on windows 10 desktop like mobile phones(android). I could not do that on desktop. Thanks.

    1. I have 2 different mails open on my desktop win7 (also works on my laptop win8.1) by using 2 different browsers: Epic and Brave; as long as I use a different browser, Zoho keeps them separate.

    2. Hey Serkan, Thank you for your kind words, we are glad that you like using Zoho Mail and Zoho Docs for your business. Unfortunately, we do not support multiple accounts in our Zoho Mail Desktop Lite client. You may have to wait for our full-fledged desktop client which will be available in a few months :)

  48. Zoho mail has bigest problem that you can't save signature .Its only works in Mobile .But ita not working in PC/laptop ..

    1. Hey Litan, We do have the option to add and save signature in Zoho Mail's Webmail and Desktop Lite client. Please refer to this help page for instructions on how to set it up. If this doesn't solve the problem please contact for us to identify the issue and fix it for you.

  49. I'm very disappointed that you feel it is necessary to make this "upgrade". I want a no frills, no advertisement email that I can use for free. I'm not using this system for business purposes. I'm a senior citizen on a restricted income. Your email has provided me contact with out of state family, especially, during recent family emergencies, that would have been cost lots of money on long distance phone calls. If I keep your "improved" version, how much will it cost me and how will you receive payment...I don't want to use a credit card online?

    1. Hey Frances, I presume you are under the impression that updating to Zoho Mail 2018 will cost you money. I'm here to clarify that it won't because the update is free. You are also a personal email user so you needn't make any payment for your Zoho Mail account. Enjoy your no frill, no advertisement email communications with your family members :)

  50. Like so much your dedication and passion for good service, I´m very happy with your work, congratulations!

  51. NEW VERSION OF ZOHO MAIL IS EXCELLENT . ROCKING. NOW OUR EXPECTATIONS ARE GROWING MORE . LOOKS STYLISH AND FEATURES ARE TOO GOOD . zoho mail has become so young from old age lookzzzzz . Keep the hard work going , we love mailing with zoho . When will the admin control panel in this .... also change looks for admin control panel

  52. Amazing and nice,I like so much the new look – clean and comfortable.I just do not know where my emails are archived??

    1. Hey Miguel, Thank you for your kind words. We are delighted you like Zoho Mail 2018! You can view your archived emails of a particular folder by using the 'filter' option on the menu. Click the 'Filter' icon and choose 'archived' from the drop-down menu to view the emails you have archived. Hope this helps, if you need further assistance please send us an email to for us to help you :)

  53. I am extremely excited for this update!! Keep it up. I am a new user and I love the platform already and if its improving, it's even better.

    1. Hey Ingris, Since you are a new user who signed up after the release of Zoho Mail 2018 (May 3, 2018), you are automatically in the latest version by default :) We are glad you like it and welcome to Zoho Mail :)

  54. All good and fine, but worthless if Zoho doesn't retract the stupid "no imap or activesync access on free accounts" policy that will do you more harm than profit. Do you know how much it sucks to recommend Zoho to friends only to find out about this -after- the migration?

  55. I Like the new look, Tabs function is cool. how can i hide tasks, calendar, bookmarks, notes & contacts like more customization option

    1. Hey Asha, We are happy you like the Tabs on top feature in Zoho Mail 2018. Unfortunately, we don't have options to customize the app bar. However, we'll forward this request to our development team and keep you posted on updates if any.

  56. New UI is excellent, but what about the servers? Me and my team are receiving the emails the day after someone send it. Can you please assist in order to fix this issue? because is very annoying not to be able to give a faster response to an email and wait for 24hrs or more to get it in the inbox. Thanks!

  57. ZOHO is the best mail, fast, easy, and safe, I have tried in different emails, and ZOHO is the one I like the most as primary mail. And the new image is incredible . regards From Venezuela

  58. Neat update. Just have to get adjusted to it I guess... Question... Is there any way to resize and readjust the preview pane? Also, the logo looks really odd.

    1. Hey Mike, We are very glad that you feel Zoho Mail 2018 is neat and we do hope you get adjusted to it pretty well. The preview pane in Zoho Mail is currently not resizable or adjustable. However, we'll forward your request to our development team and try to provide them based on feasibility. Regarding the logo looking odd, we are analyzing this issue, we’ll keep you posted on updates.

  59. Hallo, wir können damit leider nicht arbeiten weil keine direkte Verbindung zum CRM besteht. Bei einer eingehenden Mail keine Verbindung zur Firma, Projekte u.s.w. Deswegen arbeiten wir mit der SalesInbox. Aber hier hat Zoho leider nichts gemacht. Sieht auch optisch schon sehr schlecht aus, weil nur bei der SalesInbox ( auf Java programmiert) oben der Browser Hintergrund ist.

  60. I like the new "super compact" view but unless it's folder specific it's not useful for me. I like Inbox to be viewed "classically" but the Spam folder as compact as possible.

    1. Hey Jarrin, We do not support folder specific Super compact view as of the moment. However, we'll forward your suggestion to the development team and try to provide it based on feasibility. We'll keep you posted on the updates if any.

  61. How can I make the message content visible below and not on the side? I receive mails with table sheets that are wider than the space provided on the right side so the new design makes zoho mail pretty useless for me. And the new UI loads extra super slowly.

  62. I like the new look, but would prefer if the mail overview had a slightly lighter gray background (when compared to the other grays) instead of white. I also believe there is room for improvement when it comes to how the e-mail client handles e-mails in form of ads with a lot of pictures. It lags really hard on my iPhone X and iPad Air 2 whenever I browse this kind of e-mail. It lags and stops when I browse, which ends with the e-mail opening up the add for a product where my thumb was, even though I swiped. I have tried browsing on 4G, fibre net, public hot spots and at my job, so it is definitely not the net.

  63. Good morning. Not all Italians know English well, so it would be useful if all your information for Italy were written in Italian. Best regards Sergio

  64. I know it's much more sophisticated under the hood but your new interface looks like a throwback to Hotmail and the old Yahoo Mail. Your Old UI has an elegance and a clean, professional look that seems to have gone out of fashion now - not just with you. It's too bad. I'm going to miss it.

  65. Well I upgrate to new version and now I cannot send any mails ... It displays only blank page. What am I supposed to do?

  66. I still hate the new version. I like having the reading pane below, not on the side, and I don't understand why that option was removed. I also find the new versions very difficult to use with multiple accounts.

    1. @Stacy: I'm not stuck on the new UI either, but it's the way every thing is going. Zoho won't fess up to this (because it's no different than any other company), but all web initiatives are mobile-first. It's important that EVERYTHING works optimal on the phone and/or tablet. That is everything now. The desktop functionality is an afterthought. Just make sure it works "good enough" and the desktop mandate has been considered "net". The decline of desktop use since 2011 has been momentous, and it will only continue to become more irrelevant. When I say this to people who (like me) are desktop lovers, they exclaim, "but you need a desktop to do real work". That thinking is just resistant to change. You'd be shocked what can be accomplished on phones and tablets, and companies are adopting them in place of notebooks and desktops for many departments.

      1. Hey Jody, Zoho Mail 2018 is designed exclusively with our Webmail and Desktop Lite client users in mind to provide them with best emailing experience. We would also like to mention that we haven't made this change with the mobile platform in mind. We are open to suggestions that are feasible to provide on our product.

        1. Tina, it seems to me that Zoho has not thought this one through. You claim Zoho will be making upgrades to the "new" version as time goes along. It seems to me Zoho should have rolled out the new version over a greater time period instead of just dumping it in our laps without so much as a "sorry." Zoho needs to work the bugs out first. You get some "yay, I love it" (I don't know why) but now I'm seeing more people who are against it. Very disappointed with Zoho now.

        2. @Tina (and @Jay for that matter) To be fair, if I was right and your company was aiming towards mobile use and putting the desktop on the back burner, you wouldn't be mentioning it here (that's an initiative that comes from the boardrooms at the top, not from support staff like yourself). When Microsoft begins to place Windows on the back-burner, Satya Nadella doesn't mention it on stage during a presentation. Windows just doesn't get mentioned at all. If you were still providing support aimed squarely at providing the best desktop experience, you'd leave the old UI (because the cost of managing the old and new UI concurrently would be worth it to you). But that's not happening. As of tomorrow, you're forcing the remaining users to change to the mobile-like UI (let's call it what it is -, Yandex, and Gmail have all moved in the same direction with the flat UI, larger font, so don't say it's not mobile-centric. By denying it, you're just insulting our intelligence) Also the constructive criticism that Jay provides is that the old UI was perfect for that users needs. Mostly desktop users aren't interested in the changes being made here. The reason he feels not heard is that ALL companies are moving to this mobile-centric format. By the way Jay, tablets are included here - not just phones.

      2. I never have installed the Zoho Android app or any other WEB mail app. The desktop will remain my main access. Smart phone access is convenient at times, especially for deleting the junk, but is very difficult for composing complicated messages.

        1. @Jay: It's only difficult if you're not used to it (which includes me), but most people can rattle off emails with attachments and formatting like nobody's business on their phone. Times are a changing.

      1. I second Stacy's comment about the preview pane. The right side pane is difficult to read on a small monitor and I've given up even trying on my MacBook.

  67. My Mail software does not allow me to login after this update. Did you change servers or something? What can I do please?

    1. Hey Alessandro, We are delighted you like using Zoho Mail 2018! While it is available on Webmail and Desktop Lite client, it wasn't designed for mobiles and hence will not be reflected in the mobile app.

  68. I find the move to the new Zoho to be bad news. Since I joined Zoho several years ago, I am using the version from that time. One feature I enjoyed is the rapid loading of my emails. I also enjoyed the simplicity of the pages and the fact that I can use background colors to differentiate between my addresses. My wife, whose address is only about a year old, has a newer version that takes forever to load (up to 1 minute vs 5 seconds for me) and we have been unable to migrate to the older version. Your discontinuance of the old version will possibly result in our stopping of using Zoho. I have never understood why something that works well must be constantly tweaked (maybe to keep programmers in a job?).

  69. I can't get rid of the black background - before this new version, and still with this new version. All themes available in my settings are black background.

    1. Bottom right, there are 3 icons, the top one will look like a switch - click that. It sounds like you are in Night mode. Hope that helps :)

  70. Thank you for the great new UI, it looks awesome! However there is one disadvantage comparing to the old UI: I have 4 mail boxes in my Zoho Mail account and now, with the new UI, to switch between mailboxes I have to expand mailbox list located at the bottom every time. It is very inconvenient. In the previous version I just clicked mailbox name at the left side to switch between them, which was way faster. Please consider adding pin button to allow keeping mailbox list expanded all the time.

  71. I haven't switched permanently to the newer versions of the UI because I am a multi-email user, meaning I have 4 or 5 emails being imported into Zoho mail every day. The old UI had them separated by tabs at the bottom of the mail view's side panel. The newer UI has so far not had those separations allowing me to move easily between the various inboxes. All the apparent advantages listed above for using the new UI are meaningless to me if I can't easily move between my various email addresses.

  72. Sorry, but I hate both the "new version" and the 2018 version. I/we still use the old version and will stick with it as the new gui's are horrible in my view. If forced to upgrade we'll probably change to another provider. We may still do that as more and more things stop working in the old version. If you come up with a view/style in the new version that looks and feels/behaves like the old version you will get some happy customers.

    1. Hey Knut, Alex, Jay, Pete, and Mary, We are sad that you feel the Old UI is better than the newer updated versions. As you can see from the comments here, a wide majority of our users do love Zoho Mail 2018 and have gotten accustomed to it after taking a leap of faith. So we request you to give Zoho Mail 2018 a try again and provide your feedback/suggestions here as we are all ears and listening to assist you during the transition. Also, all GDPR related updates have been implemented exclusively in Zoho Mail 2018 as developments in earlier versions stand deprecated. To be honest, we will not be able to continue support for the older versions beyond the cut off date. However, we respect your opinions and request you to tell us your requirements you feel are missing in Zoho Mail 2018 in comparison to the Old UI. We assure you that we'll do our best to consider and push updates in Zoho Mail 2018 based on feasibility to fulfill them.

      1. Tina, You obviously are turning a blind eye to all the constructive criticism provided by this blog and other forums. Please seriously consider the honest feedback you have received and don't ignore just because you do not agree.

  73. Looking good! I always recommend your suite. There are still things to fix, but it is rewarding to see these improvements. Thanks!

  74. The font doesn't look as good on Linux. Arial looks way better. Will there be an option to change this in the settings?

  75. I like the new version of Zoho Mail but a feature I would like to see added is the ability to sort mail folders by something other than date, e.g. to sort by sender, a feature I use all the time in Thunderbird. Thanks!

    1. I agree with Dan. The sorts below that others, for example Yahoo, offers are really helpful. Either by a dropdown menu, like they have now, or a clickable column header like some others have. I moved over to you from Yahoo which is why use them as an example. Just a thought. Date: Oldest On Top Date: Newest On Top Unread Starred Sender Subject Attachments

    1. Hey Chris, We do have a shortcut to open the workplace apps with one click: our hamburger menu in the top left corner of your mailbox. Clicking on it displays all the workplace applications and when scrolled displays other Zoho applications. We hope it helps, in case it doesn't please write to us in detail at

  76. Looks good from my perspective. I just wish you would change the link color in "Night Mode" from that awful dark orange. A bright color would be much more suitable and easier to see.

    1. Hey J, We are glad you like Zoho Mail 2018. Your feedback on changing the color of the link when using night mode has been forwarded to our team and we'll keep you posted on updates if any :)

  77. The UI certainly is an improvement. The visibility of buttons and the tabs are helpful for me to quickly navigate within the webmail. I like the change and am quite impressed how quickly I am moving around within the webmail. However, I'd like to point out that the search and attachment features are still somewhat lacking. The attachment filter feature does not work with POP account(s). Reason for this? The improvements made with the search is great however often doesn't provide the most accuracy. Some search results provide hits that are not even closely tied with the keywords used in the search. Also can we search by attachments? Perhaps even by the type of attachments? I am unable to explore this further due to the error message reporting that the attachment filter feature does not work with POP accounts.

    1. Hey Todd, We are glad that you like Zoho Mail 2018! We are working diligently on improving the search functionality in Zoho Mail. If you encounter the search results inaccurate, it would be really helpful if you can send an email to our support ( for us to diagnose and resolve it for you. Attachment viewer is currently not supported in POP accounts. However, in your domain accounts, you can filter the attachments by type through the Attachment Viewer feature in your mailbox. Searching attachments by type through the search bar will be available in the future updates.

  78. With the new version, a white background is added behind a custom logo. This is kinda annoying and should be removed. :)

    1. Hey Austin, We understand your concern about having a white background behind your logo, and it has been reported to the development team. We'll keep you posted on the updates.

    2. I noticed this earlier too! One would think that with a transparent logo there should be no white background image applied. It is beta though so I'm sure these guys will get around to taking care of it.

  79. This is sad news that everyone will be moved to the 2018 version. I am on the old version. I have tried the new version many times and have provided a lot of input, which no suggestions of mine were implemented. So I staid with the old version. I have not looked at the 2018 version yet and afraid to do so in fear I will be unable to revert back to my current version.

    1. Hey Jau, We request you to give Zoho Mail 2018 a try and then share your feedback. You can revert to your Old version for the time being by clicking on your User profile (Available in your top right corner) >> Turn off new look. However, please bear in mind that Zoho Mail 2018 will be set as your default UI from May 18, 2018, as mentioned in the blog post. In the meantime, we will also take a look at your feedback and keep you posted on the updates.

      1. Keep old UI. Don't kill it. It works, maybe it dosn't have all perks but it works and it's fast and easy to use.

      2. Thanks for the reply Mary, reading other comments in this blog, the same issues in the new version still exist in the 2018 version. Especially with the monitoring/checking POP accounts. Please convince Zoho not to tune out all the constructive criticism provided by this blog and other forms of feedback.

  80. Awful on low density displays (1280x800), wastes too much space. Also the colour scheme doesn't work with the black on white scheme of my logo.

  81. Excellent, please continue like this. I would like to ask you what I think is missing and very important: 1.- The ability to create a potential from an email and potentials are automatically associated with potentials. 2.- The ability to associate emails with existing potentials. Example a) .- I get a lead from my boss and immediately generate a potential, leaving the mail associated with the potential. Example b) .- I get an email from a partner of my company with an important document related to a potential, then I can associate it immediately with that potential. etc... So when I open a potential, I will see in the timeline all the important and relevant information.

  82. My logo is in PNG format but in this new UI adds a white background behind the PNG logo image. Is there a way to fix this?

  83. Awesome, really digging the new interface. However, I am surprised that a new version still doesn't include a "Mark as Read" in context menus. Users still need to mark a single email and then click the oevrflow button, then mark as read, which is already obvious that the user needs to go through a lot. How about streamlining or maybe duplicating actions available in the menu overflow in toolbar into the context menu?

  84. Cool! App bar icons could be even more clearer. Good that the tabs are moved to the top. Liked it!

    1. Hey Sam, We are glad you like the tabs on top feature in Zoho Mail 2018. Your feedback on App bar icons has been forwarded to our development team. We will keep you posted on updates if any. Keep using Zoho Mail :)

  85. In my relatively short time as a Zoho user, I only continue to become increasingly convinced of your underratedness. I'm less familiar with the rest of Zoho's suite of applications, though when it comes to Zoho Mail I wish other software developers shared the same dedication, commitment, and design philosophy in their products/services as yours.

    1. Hey J1, Thank you for your kind words. We are humbled and delighted that you think Zoho Mail is far better than other software developers. You can check out all Zoho Applications (Suites and individual) here. We do strive to be the operating system for your business with our products and your encouragement just made our day :)

  86. You guys still need to work on the search... no way I can do 'OR'ed filtration in search plus lots of other things.

    1. Hey Hassan, You can perform an 'OR' search from your Search bar. Feed all the search terms into the Search bar separated by a comma. You can do this only with one major parameter. For example, If you want to search the 'subject' of the emails that contain the word 'AAA' or 'BBB', select 'Subject' parameter from the Search bar and type: AAA,BBB and hit search. However, the 'OR' search is not applicable if you use it with two or more parameters. If you have further feedback on search please write to us in detail to

  87. Sadly you still can't filter attachments by size, so clearing up the inbox is very difficult. The cynic in me says you're doing this so people have to upgrade to a larger inbox size rather than delete existing emails.

    1. Hey Jon, We never believe in forcing users to upgrade their accounts, without their consent. We are working on providing options to search emails/attachments by size, which is still in development phase. This UI change is mainly to provide a better interface for the users and not related to free/ paid plan differences. We will surely take up the attachment size related feature requests in our upcoming updates.

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