We've had the bonnet popped for quite a while now. Here's what all that's changed under the hood:
CRM Integration
Nurturing leads and converting them into prospects, and turning prospects evaluating your product/organization into customers are crucial steps in the customer lifecycle management process. Communication is key at each stage, and needless to say email has been synonymous with communication for quite a while now. So let’s say you attend a trade show or a conference, and you pocketed a bunch of business cards while handing out your own as well. A couple of days later, one or more of them sends you an email, or replies to an email you sent out to them.
Congratulations, you have just acquired a lead for your business! Now, it’s very likely that the trail may go cold after a few emails get exchanged, and the email thread may get lost in the torrent of emails you typically receive over a few days. What now, do you let that golden nugget (possibly) of a lead fade away into oblivion?
The best way to ensure you never lose a lead, even long after the email trail has gone cold, is to save the information to your CRM database regularly. A CRM solution automates most tasks related to organizing customer information, making life a whole lot easier for you and your organization.

And that is why, we connected the dots and bridged the tiny gap between your inbox and your customer database. Zoho Mail comes with in-built CRM integration. When you receive an email, you can click on the sender ID, and you get the option to ‘View CRM info’. This lets you do a few pretty handy things:
- If this is a new customer: You can populate the details for the new customer in the left pane, and save this new information to the CRM database right from your inbox.
- If this is an existing customer: The right pane will show the latest information fetched from the CRM database for this lead/customer. This includes any notes you may have had saved with additional info about the customer. So now, you can pick up from right where you left off, in case it’s been a while. You can even assign tasks (say, ‘Follow up with customer X’) or create an event (‘Conference call with customer Y on the 16th@4 PM EST’).
With this seamless Zoho Mail-Zoho CRM integration, you’ll never lose track of a customer ever again.
We understand that the typical enterprise email address is (more often than not) inadvertently subscribed to over a dozen different group email IDs, and you receive a ton of emails everyday. It could get pretty exasperating to have to sift through all that clutter to find the emails that were actually addressed directly to you – the important emails that you shouldn’t miss!
Creating filters is one way to deal with this – siphon off emails to different folders so that only the important ones sit in your inbox. But if you want to clean up your inbox for good, and do so in a jiffy, you can just ‘Scrub’ away all those emails.
Scrub lets you archive/delete emails in bulk, from particular senders, and you can select up to five different senders for one ‘scrub’.
Scrub your way to a squeaky clean inbox.
Smart Compose
Zoho Mail’s social media-like features help reduce the time you spend in your inbox, and lets you get more work done. Adding another feather to that cap is Smart Compose.
Dive right into composing your email, and then just ‘@’ mention the user/users you want to send the email to (right in the body of the email). Their email address/addresses get added in the ‘To’ field of your email automatically.
Just hit send once you’re done composing, and you’re on your way! Pretty neat right?
App Bookmarking
Save even more time by not having to type in your most frequently visited web URLs. Create an app bookmark for such URLs instead:
- Go to the ‘Bookmarks’ tab on the left pane of your Zoho Mail inbox, and click on ‘Create’.
- Copy-paste the web URL you want the bookmark app to launch, and optionally give a title for the app.
Bookmark apps you create this way, will be available under the ‘bookmarks’ tab as ‘apps’. Now, you can just launch them, like you would launch any other Zoho app from the hamburger app launcher!
Bookmark Apps you create will show up with a thumbnail preview, and you can create groups of bookmarks as well.
Gotta catch ’em all.
Mails sent to a particular id is not received by the addressee, since last week. the id did receive mail for last one year. The addressee is not receiving the mails of spam box either. the addressee has not blocked my id as well. I can receive his email easily and in my inbox. Can't understand this mystery.
while composing a new email, typing can a only be started post mandatory waiting for 60 to 70 seconds. You just cant starting typing upfront? The typo are not accepted, the cursor jumps all over, it is sickening
Can you tell me what the rate of emails sent per minute is the trigger for the blocking? I can have a emails to send to a group of clients and send at the same time, so how many can I send at one time?
I want to move contacts from the 'all contacts' file to another file I created. How do I do that without retyping the contacts????? Drag function - which is normal and easy in other systems - doesn't work.
In the new Zoho how to you view your emails like the old zoho - i.e. 3 panes?
Click on any email in your inbox/any folder, you should see three panes - one with the 'Compose' button on top (listing all the different folders i.e inbox, drafts, sent etc.), one with the short preview of all emails in the selected folder, and the third pane shows the details of the email you've selected. By default, the first two at least are always visible. There's also a vertical side bar on the left listing shortcuts to Calendar, Notes, Tasks, Contacts and Bookmarks. There's another sidebar on the extreme right, that opens 'tabs' for different emails/streams posts/drafts that you have open. Hope this helps!
Your zoho email is broken.... :( three of my sales team are on standby as we wait for you to fix it! 7 hours later... still waiting!
I just LOVE Zoho - you guys are GREAT! Thank you.
Please how do i go back to the very old version of the Zoho mail ?
Would be awesome if we could switch easily between emails!
Would be nice if it worked better. I can’t ever view the crm info for an existing contact, nothing happens when i click view crm info.
My single biggest feature request with the new email layout is the ability to toggle the preview pane of the message to be vertical next to the message (like it shows now) OR so it's horizontal below the message (like in the old Zoho mail). This is a major feature for me, as with large monitors the layout often works better above/below then side-by-side , especially if using a rotated monitor, and can be a much more efficient way of showing information. The ability to toggle would keep me on Zoho for years to come, where now I'm considering alternatives.
Plesae let me know how to insert/create signature?? I tried but not working....
Hi Jerin, Please follow the steps detailed in this help doc:https://www.zoho.com/mail/help/signatures.html Hope this helps. Thanks for using Zoho Mail! Regards, Navaneeth Suresh
Nice Features... Even better when a few kinks are worked out as described in a few posts. Nice Concepts.
I clicked on the sender's email address and did not get a connection to the CRM.
thanks for your information. i learnt something about it
Great Features
Think you need to fix the following 1- paste image from clipboard in Safari does not work. Critical missing feature. 2- when a file attachment is dragged to a new message, you can't type the message till the attachment is uploaded. This should not be the case! 3- performance on Safari, seems to be a little slow. 4- copy and paste text without formatting is buggy in Safari
I agree with others that using the @name system should just show their first name, something more natural. I might also suggest that for the scrub feature, there is a way to scrub all but the newest message. This is very handy for those "daily specials" type emails where one might want to delete all the older/expired deals but keep the latest one. I'm sure there are other use cases for keeping the latest message after a scrub. CRM integration is an obvious plus and makes total sense, but needs a little more refinement. For example I can't tell at a glace if a person is actually recorded in my CRM. There should be some kind of "add to CRM"-type link if they are missing, to let me begin recording things. Or lets say they are a lead and I want to schedule something, mark them as high priority, or have a high priority task associated, or a todo, or something. This way if I go to send this person an email, there would be a type of warning system that tells me I have pending stuff to do with this contact, etc. My greatest feature request which has been top for me since I started using Zoho Mail a while back, is to reverse sort my mail and work oldest-to-newest. Yes I can scroll to the bottom of the inbox, but for some auto-filter messages like newsletters, I have hundreds of unread, it's a pain scrolling to the bottom. Not only that but deleting a message goes to next oldest instead of next newest. So really two features, change sort of messages, and change newer/older after deleting one. Can't wait for this feature!
Would be nice if it worked better. I can't ever view the crm info for an existing contact, nothing happens when i click view crm info.
Hi Dan, I'm sorry the feature isn't working for you as expected. Please drop an email to Support, and they'll look into the issue you're facing and hopefully fix it soon. Thanks for using Zoho Mail!
Hi there, Few points: 1. Can you attach an email to an email to be sent in ZOHO mail? 2. If you search through the bottom right search feature and you want to forward the resulted email - the auto filling option of the email to be forwarded to has disappeared. It was active before. Now you need to either copy the email or fill it manually. Can this be advised please?
Filtering by BCC
Can you share your App bookmarks with other users in your enterprise?
Is there a place to add Zoho feature suggestions? It would be glad to have such place. Of course Zoho should edit such suggestion and users could vote for most needed feature...
Hi Michal and Navaneeth I love some of the stuff here, but there are some basic fundamental things that I have given on the speech feedback bubble, which appear to go into a black hole and no action that I can see other than acknowledgement. 1. The new version does not have the capacity to open the calendar with a right click open a new tab. (I dont want to go to webbrowser and type in zohocalendar...). without being able to open the calendar on a new tab by right clicking have left a whole long list several times of fundamental basic function. see point 3 previously sent 2. Informed Training - Mail - undo button would be really great as on outlook 3. Multiple tabs - massively missing - need to open calendar and email independantly!! 4. Integration with crm calendar was not working, testing now. Seems okay now, hope stable 5. Why would you hide the spell check and the read receipt icons - move these to a more prevalant place please 6. Vacation reply - please let us save a standard one, we can just tweak each time instead of having to delete it to turn it off 7. Re: [##9594374##] Calendar - Colour Choice too similar and very limited for users moving from outlook 8. Re: [##9452186##] Emergency - Signature on new email is all unformatted....seems very adhoc - sometimes ok, other times spacing issues. I look forward to hearing from you on where these are in your development and timing please. Many thanks Eileen Would prefer voting to be within CRM so can do while working and suggest at the time. Far too much time on forums and scrolling....
Hi Michal, You should find a speech bubble icon at the bottom right of your inbox (if you're in the new UI). Feel free to use that to send us your feedback/suggestions. Also, we could start a forum thread where we invite suggestions for most wanted features, and the shortlisted ones can be put up for voting. If this idea finds a lot of takers, we could definitely do this. Thanks for using Zoho Mail!
Trying to add contacts this way but the account lookup dialogue doesn't work - I can look up the account but can't click on it to select the right one in the pop up box. Same when adding a potential or a task. Also, why can't I click on any of the deals/potentials listed against a contact to click through to the actual CRM object? Seems a bt pointless just to list them without being able to navigate to them.
Good to know the new features. Zoho need to catch-up with GMail on many ways. Only reason why I use Zoho is Zoho doesn't scan mail contents for promo purposes unlike Google.
Nice features and good improvement.
Smart compose would be useful if it populated the users name as opposed to their email address, doesn't look professional.
Personally I don't like the idea that typing an @ symbol will make Zoho think I want to add an addressee. Luckily that doesn't happen in what I presume Zoho now call the 'older' version. :) (Please never take that 'older' version away!!! I did click "Try New Version" once — but the "with preview" layout is a pet hate of mine in e-mail programs, and also "New Version" looks so horrible with the HUGE font it uses: UGH! I can only see eight e-mails per page, so it takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r to scroll through my Inbox. NO THANKS!)
Great Features, particularly the @ function.
Hi, I'm getting a problem with zoho mail. I'm able to send the mail, but not able to receive the mail. please give me the solution. regards kaifki khurana
Love the 'bookmark' feature but don't know who to make folders to arrange them in some kind of order. please advide
Love the 'bookmark' feature but don't understand how to make a group or 'folder' of similar videos to arrange them in some kind of order. Please advise. Thanks.
Those sound like useful features for some people but I feel there are some very elementary improvements that are needed to make Zoho mail more friendly: 1) Contacts: allow customization of fields (remove, rename, or add new custom fields to address book). The whole contacts area is in need of significant improvement to let the user see what they want to see in the order they want to see it in. A table or spreadsheet view would be helpful. 2) Have a link on the left to see only archived emails, most recent first, in addition to the link under the "view all" menu. 3) Be able to click on the name of a sender in the list of emails to temporarily only see emails by that person with just one click 4) Be able to save custom searches as one click presets. E.G. All emails from Bob Smith in March containing the word "project". 5) Adding a contact or a calendar event should be as simple as drag-and-drop a file onto the contact or calendar without having to navigate menus. With one click I can download a calendar event for a webinar for example but to put it on my calendar takes way too many steps so I just end up manually typing it. 6) I should be able to see at a glance the groups a particular contact is in. I hope you find these suggestions helpful.
Quite right! These are my most important wishes too!!!
Doesn't accommodate Vendors in CRM
Hi Trevor, Kindly drop an email to support and we'll have someone look into the exact issue you're facing. Thanks for using Zoho Mail!
Great Features
Thanks for the feedback Salman, and thank you for choosing Zoho Mail.
Translations should put the main item as "Inbox", "Sent", etc .. in SPANISH.
Hi Franz, Could you explain your requirement in detail and send an email to support? Thanks.
Not able to send more than 40-50 mails in a single stretch. If sent more mails it shows error Max mail rate limit exceeded. It interrupts the business functionality
Hi, this is a failsafe built in so that Zoho Mail domains don't get blacklisted as spam. To send bulk emails, you can try our product Zoho Campaigns, which lets you send thousands of emails at once. Hope this helps.
Even google mail lets you send bulk 250 a day. This makes Zoho completely useless to me.
Hi, i am trying to send a mail and it says mail rate exceeded. And this is the first mail of the day.
I find too much problems during sending mails unable to send 40 mails at a time/day
Hi Sanjeev, Like I said, we have built in a fail safe mechanism to prevent Zoho Mail from being used to send bulk emails. This is done to ensure Zoho Mail addresses don't get marked as spam. I'd invite you to try a free evaluation of Zoho Campaigns, that lets you automate and manage bulk email campaigns. Hope this helps. Thanks for using Zoho Mail!