Recurring Invoice Preferences

Configure preferences related to the recurring invoices module.

General Preferences

You can choose the method by which you can send the invoices generated from the recurring invoices to your customers.

Recurring Invoice Preferences

Auto-charge Preferences

Learn about Auto-charge settings in Zoho Invoice. Configure success, failure and retry actions, once you have selected the Create, Charge and Send Invoices option.

Currently the Auto-charge feature is supported for the following payment gateways.

  • Stripe
  • Authorize.Net
  • PayPal PayFlow Pro
  • PayPal Payments Pro
  • Forte
  • World Pay

Auto-charge Settings

Successful & Failed Invoice Payment

On successfully charging your customer, a thank-you mail with the invoice for reference will be sent to the customer. On the instance of customer’s card being declined, a reminder mail informing the customer about the failed transaction and to make a manual payment will be sent to the customer.

On Success

Auto-charge Settings

On Failure

Auto-charge Settings

Retry Settings

Insight: Email content for all the notifications can be modified by clicking on the email content option.

After saving your recurring invoice settings, navigate to Settings > Integrations > Online Payments and set up the payment gateway that supports Auto-charge feature for receiving your payments.

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