Empower your IoT systems with custom edge connectivity

‌‌Gather, analyze, and automate your IoT data collection and processing at the Edge for faster computation, improved security, and reduced latency.

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‌What is IoT Edge Computing?

‌What is IoT Edge Computing?

Empower your business by bringing computation closer to the devices where it’s being gathered, rather than relying on devices that are thousands of miles away. This proximity allows for faster data processing, improved security, and reduced latency, making it ideal for applications that require real-time responses and insights.

‌Get one step closer to extending cloud features to the edge

Reduced latency

Process and act on data locally, minimizing the time it takes to send data to the cloud and receive responses for faster decision-making and real-time actions.

Cost efficiency

Process data locally to transmit only essential data, lowering communication costs and network congestion, making it a more economical choice for businesses.

Secured and reliable

Mitigate the risk of data leakage and cyberattacks during transmission by processing sensitive data locally at the edge.

Unlock cloud capabilities at the edge

Process & act on IoT data at the edge, push filtered data to the cloud, and manage devices locally for real-time decision-making.

Lite Edge Agent

Seamlessly configure agents from the cloud

Our No-Code Zoho IOT Edge Agent offers user-friendly, no-code cloud-based configuration for an array of devices. Seamlessly collect data and deploy IoT solutions without requiring extensive technical knowledge.

Develop one prototype to replicate multiple devices for the user
Develop one prototype to replicate multiple devices for the user
SDKs & Plugins

Connect your devices to the application

Gain control and customization of IoT solutions using programming languages like C, Python, Arduino, and applications like Node RED with the SDKs and plugins to accelerate your implementation with Zoho IoT. Allowing to focus on data collection and processing.

High-performance edge agents

Perfect fit for complex computations

Built to withstand the demands of large-scale industries & BMS operations to ensure consistent performance, real-time computation, and high-volume data processing.

Develop one prototype to replicate multiple devices for the user

Distinct approaches to meet diverse needs and technical proficiencies

Lite Edge Agent

  •   User-Friendly Configuration
  •  Seamless Data Collection
  •  Quick Deployment

SDKs & Plugins

  •   Flexible Development
  •  Diverse SDKs

High performance agents

  •   Complex Performance
  •  Robust and Reliable
  •  Advanced Capabilities

Frequently asked questions

How does edge computing enhance security in IoT deployments?

Edge computing enhances data security by keeping the device data at or closer to the source, therefore, exponentially reducing the threats during data transmission.

What are the main challenges in implementing IoT edge computing?

Some of the main challenges include ensuring data security, managing limited device resource, and handling scalability and interoperability across diverse systems.

What are the most common technologies or protocols commonly used for communication between the edge and the cloud?

Some of the common communication protocols include MQTT and HTTPS. These lightweight protocols are well-suited for efficient and reliable communication between edge devices and cloud servers.

Can edge computing be applied to non-technical industrial use cases, such as smart buildings?

Yes, edge computing is extremely versatile and applicable to a wide range of domains. In the case of smart buildings, it enables faster response times for devices, such as cameras, by responding instantly rather than relying solely on cloud services.