Integrate Zoho Inventory With Shopify

Shopify is a professional online storefront that can be set up in a matter of minutes. When you integrate it with Zoho Inventory, you can receive and manage online orders, process payments and update stock.

Things to remember

Integrate with Shopify

Prerequisite: In the device you’re using, ensure that you’re logged in to the Shopify account, which has the store you want to integrate with Zoho Inventory.

To integrate your Shopify store with Zoho Inventory:

  1. Go to the Integrations module on the left sidebar.
  2. Click Shopping Cart.
  3. Under Shopify, click Set up Now. You’ll be redirected to Shopify’s app store.
Set up button
  1. Click Add app.
Add app from Shopify store
  1. Select the store you want to link with your Inventory organisation.
Select the store to integrate

After you select your preferred store in Shopify, you’ll be redirected to Zoho Inventory’s connection page where you have to authorize the integration. Here’s how:

  1. On the connection page, click Connect Shopify.
Connect Shopify landing page
  1. Then, click Connect Shopify next to the organisation that you want to integrate with Shopify.
Connect Shopify

You’ve successfully integrated your Zoho Inventory organisation with your Shopify store.

Connect Multiple Stores

To connect multiple stores with your Zoho Inventory organisation:

  1. Go to the Integrations module on the left sidebar.
  2. Click Shopping Cart.
  3. Click Add Store under Shopify to add a new store.
Set up button
  1. Click Add app.
Add app from Shopify store
  1. Select the store you want to link with your Inventory organisation.
Select the store to integrate

After you select your preferred store in Shopify, you’ll be redirected to Zoho Inventory’s connection page where you have to authorize the integration. Here’s how:

  1. On the connection page, click Connect Shopify.
Connect Shopify landing page
  1. Then, click Connect Shopify next to the organisation that you want to integrate with Shopify.
Connect Shopify

You’ve successfully integrated your Zoho Inventory organisation with your Shopify store.

Details page

Shopify Locations

Locations in Shopify, similar to warehouses in Zoho Inventory, are places where you store goods. You can map these locations to warehouses and track stock updates and orders at the warehouse-level.

Prerequisite: Make sure to enable the Multi-warehouse feature in Zoho Inventory before proceeding.

Note: The locations and warehouse mapping are mutually exclusive features i.e., at a given time, you can enable only one of them.

To map your Shopify store locations to a warehouse:

  1. Log in to Zoho Inventory.

  2. Go to Settings, Integrations, then Shopping Cart.

  3. Under Shopify, click on Show Details near your preferred store name (in case of multiple store integration).

  4. If your store was integrated before adding the locations update, you must reauthenticate the integration to permit Zoho Inventory to access your store locations. If this is not applicable to you, skip to the next step.

  5. If your store was integrated recently, click on the Enable button next to Locations.

    Locations Enable
  6. Click the Fetch Shopify Locations option to fetch locations and with the warehouses having the same name or address automatically. You also map the appropriate locations manually.

  7. Click Save.

    Locations Mapping

After successfully mapping warehouses to locations:

Warning: If the chosen warehouse is not mapped to a location, then the shipment update will not be pushed to Shopify.

Disable Shopify locations

To disable locations mapping for a store:

  1. Log in to Zoho Inventory.

  2. Go to Settings, Integrations, then Shopping Cart.

  3. Under Shopify, click on Show Details near the store you want to disable locations for.

  4. Go to Locations and click Configure, then click Disable Locations.

    Locations Disable

On disabling locations mapping for a Shopify store in Zoho Inventory:

Warning: If you disable locations in Zoho Inventory, make sure to maintain only one location in your Shopify store. Otherwise, stock and shipment updates will fail to sync.

Warehouse mapping

Initially after setting up the integration, orders from your Shopify store(s) are tracked in the primary warehouse and stock updates take place in the organisation level. You can however, choose a specific warehouse from which you want to update stock to your store.

Prerequisite: Make sure to enable the Multi-warehouse feature in Zoho Inventory before proceeding.

Note: Shopify locations and warehouse mapping are two mutually exclusive features i.e., at a given time, you can enable only one of them.

To map a warehouse:

  1. Log in to Zoho Inventory.

  2. Go to Settings > Integrations > Shopping Cart.

  3. Go to Shopify and click Show Details next to the respective store name if you have added more than one store.

  4. Under Modules in Sync, click the toggle button to enable warehouse mapping.

    Shopify warehouse mapping toggle
  5. In the following pop-up, choose the warehouse you want to associate with your Shopify store.

    Marketplace warehouse mapping
  6. Click Save.

All stock updates and orders received henceforth from this Shopify store will be tracked in this warehouse. Similarly, you can associate a warehouse of your choice to all the connected stores.

Disable/Delete Store Integration

To remove a store from your Shopify integration:

  1. Log into Zoho Inventory.

  2. Go to the Integrations module in the sidebar.

  3. Go to Shopping Carts.

  4. Under Shopify, click the Show Details link next to the store name that you want to remove.

  5. To temporarily put the integration on hold click Disable Integration. This will show an Inactive status and stops the syncing between your Shopify store and Zoho Inventory.

  6. To remove the store integration, click Disconnect.

    Disable Shopify Store Integration
  7. To reactivate the integration, click the Enable Integration button on the same page.

Re-authenticate the Integration

In case you have de-activated the integration from your Shopify store by removing Zoho Inventory as an associated app, you can re-enable this integration using the re-authenticate feature.

To re-authenticate the integration,

  1. Go to the Integrations, Shopping Carts, then Shopify.

  2. Click the Show Details near the preferred Shopify store, if you’ve integrated many stores.

  3. Click the drop-down button at the top-right corner and click Reauthenticate.

    reauthenticate option
  4. Enter your Shopify store credentials in the login page.

After a very brief evaluation of your credentials, the Shopify store will be successfully reconnected to your Zoho inventory organisation.

You will henceforth be able to sync your items and orders between your Shopify store and Zoho Inventory.

Insight: The Reauthenticate option will only allow you to re-establish an integration with an existing account. This process will not allow you to change the account that is being integrated.

Tune the Integration

On successfully integrating your Shopify seller account with Zoho Inventory, you can now start tracking your inventory for every sale you make in Shopify.

For additional control over your integration:

Shopify active

A page with all details associated with the integration opens up. Lets take a look at the individual options below.

Sync - auto & manual
Sync History

The sync history page logs the periodic syncing of items and sales orders from the respective sales channels into Zoho Inventory. For each timestamp, you can view the the number of items and sales orders that were successfully synced or had failed to sync into Zoho Inventory.

To view the sync history of a sales channel:

Sync history button in the sales

Insight: The successfully synced record histories that are older than a month and failed sync histories that are older than two months will be deleted automatically.

Re-initiate a Sync

You can also re-initiate a sync to once again fetch the items and sales orders that was brought into Zoho Inventory on a particular timestamp. This is beneficial when:

To re-sync a task in Zoho Inventory:

Sync history button in the sales

Sync history button in the sales

The items/sales orders that were synced on the particular timestamp will be fetched once again into Zoho Inventory.

Sync Orders and Items from a Custom Timeframe

You can also resync orders and items from a custom date range from Shopify. To do so:

  1. Go to the Integrations module on the left sidebar.

  2. Click the Shopping Cart tab.

  3. Under Shopify integration, click the Sync Manually button.

  4. Choose whether you want to sync Items or Orders from the drop-down.

  5. Choose the Specific Period option from the ‘Fetch records from’ drop-down.

  6. Select the Start Date and the End Date.

  7. Click Initiate Sync to pull your orders or items from Shopify.

    Custom Sync



Initial Sync
Sync cycle

Fulfilled order sync option in Shopify

Zoho Inventory web page
Sales Orders
Order Sync Preferences

You can choose to sync only the Confirmed orders or both Confirmed and Fulfilled orders from your marketplace into Zoho Inventory. To do so:

Insight: Changes in sync preferences will be applied across all integrated sales channels.

Order sync preference drop-down

Stock Sync

The payment status of the inbound sales order from Shopify would be displayed as a comment under the sales order. As Shopify supports not only paid orders, but also unpaid, partially paid and cash on delivery options, the payment status under the sales order would be indicated by a comment as Paid, Unpaid, Partially paid or Cash on delivery depending on the case.