Manage Approvals

Once you have submitted a sales or purchase transaction in Zoho Books, there are a host of actions that you can perform upon it.

Bulk Approve

To approve multiple transactions at once,

Transaction Approval

Similarly, you’ll be able to approve multiple transactions for bills, vendor credits, purchase orders, invoices, sales orders, quotes and credit notes.

View Pending Approvals

If you’re an admin or an approver, you will have transactions that are pending for your approval. To view all these transactions:

Transaction Approval

Similarly, you’ll be able to view your pending approvals for bills, vendor credits, purchase orders, invoices, sales orders, quotes and credit notes.

View Approval History

The admins and approvers who are associated with a transaction can view the details of the approval process and approval history. Here’s how:

Transaction Approval

Similarly, you’ll be able to view the approval history for bills, vendor credits, purchase orders, invoices, sales orders, quotes and credit notes.


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