Zoho Inventory

Zoho InventoryInventory

How to integrate Zoho Inventory and Zoho CRM?

You can sync your Zoho Inventory and Zoho CRM using the following method:

Phase 1 - Initiating Integration
  • Navigate to Integrations.
  • Select CRM.

CRM integration page

  • Click on the Connect button on the right top corner.
  • This will open up the CRM configuration page.
  • Under section 1 - Zoho CRM Credentials, click on the Connect Zoho CRM button to proceed.

CRM configuration page

  • This will trigger a pop-up(Connect Zoho CRM pop-up) asking for your email address and Zoho CRM ZSC key.

Phase 2 - Generating a ZSC key

CRM pop-up

  • You can generate the ZSC key from the pop-up by pressing on the Click here to generate ZSC key of Zoho CRM option.
  • Once you do, a new tab will open up and it will take you to your Zoho CRM account where, your email address and ZSC key will be available there.
  • If you need, you can also regenerate a new ZSC key, by clicking on the Regenerate Key option.

CRM auth page

Phase 3 - Finalizing the Integration
  • Copy the ZSC key, switch to the tab containing Zoho Inventory and paste it on the concerned field in the Connect Zoho CRM pop-up.
  • Click on the Save button.
  • If all checks out, you will be greeted by a vibrant success message on top of the details page.
  • Now you can proceed to configure the different modules under this integration.

Phase 4 - Caliberating the Integration

CRM activated page

  • You can configure your sync preferences for the contacts and vendors module by clicking on the Configure Now button under section 2.

Accounts & Contacts

configuring accounts - top

configuring accounts - mid

configuring accounts - bottom

  • On clicking the Configure Now button near Accounts module, the connect accounts & contacts page opens up. Here you have 5 different sections to caliberate.
    1. Select Module in Zoho CRM - here you can choose to sync only accounts, only contacts or both from Zoho CRM. Note : This is available only for the contacts module(not available in the vendors module).
    2. Select the extent of the sync - here you can choose the direction of your sync(data transfer direction).
    3. Choose how you want to handle duplicate records - here you can clone, overwrite or skip existing records when a sync is established between Zoho Inventory and Zoho CRM.
    4. Select view to be synced - Here you can add a perspective to the sync.
    5. Map fields - here you can map the different fields that wish to sync between Zoho Inventory and Zoho CRM.
  • Once you are finished, you can either Save and Sync or you can Save and Sync later.


configuring vendors - top

configuring vendors - bottom

  • On clicking the Configure Now button near the Vendors module, the connect vendors page opens up. Here you have 4 sections to caliberate. These are very similar to the last 4 sections of your accounts & contacts.
    1. Select the extent of the sync - here you can choose the direction of your sync(data transfer direction).
    2. Choose how you want to handle duplicate records - here you can clone, overwrite or skip existing records when a sync is established between Zoho Inventory and Zoho CRM.
    3. Select view to be synced - Here you can add a perspective to the sync.
    4. Map fields - here you can map the different fields that wish to sync between Zoho Inventory and Zoho CRM.
  • Once you are finished, you can either Save and Sync or you can Save and Sync later.


configuring products - top

configuring products - bottom

  • On clicking the Configure Now button near the Items module, the connect Products page opens up. Here you have 3 sections to caliberate.
    1. Select the extent of the sync - here you can choose the direction of your sync(data transfer direction).
    2. Choose how you want to handle duplicate records - here you can clone, overwrite or skip existing records when a sync is established between Zoho Inventory and Zoho CRM.
    3. Map fields - here you can map the different fields that wish to sync between Zoho Inventory and Zoho CRM.
  • Once you are finished, you can either Save and Sync or you can Save and Sync later.