Software Development Kit methods


This is the first method to add for initializing the widgets.

var ZbooksClient =  ZFAPPS.extension.init();

ZbooksClient.then(function(app) {    
   /* Below is an example to get the user name */
   ZFAPPS.get('organization').then(function (data) {
      //response Handling
   }).catch(function (err) {
      //error Handling


This method is used to request data from the source. In Zoho Books, you can fetch the details of the organization, user, invoice and other entities using this method. You can look into the different ‘get’ supported entity keys here.

ZFAPPS.get('invoice').then(function (data) {
    //response Handling
}).catch(function (err) {
    //error Handling       


  "invoice": {
    "invoice_id": "112233",
    "invoice_number": "INV-000006",
    "salesorder_id": "",
    "salesorder_number": "",
    "crm_owner_id": "",
    "zcrm_potential_id": "",
    "zcrm_potential_name": "",
    "date": "2018-08-25",
    "date_formatted": "25 Aug 2019",
    "status": "paid",
    "status_formatted": "Paid",
    "amount": 101,
    "amount_formatted": "$101.00",


The set method is used to set a module param while creating the transaction. For example, In Zoho Books, while creating the invoice you can modify the invoice params using this set handler.

To set invoice reference number from rendered sidebar widget:

ZFAPPS.set('invoice.reference_number', '001122').then(function (data) {
  //response Handling
}).catch(function (err) {
  //error Handling


   "invoice": {
      "invoice_id": "112233",
      "invoice_number": "INV-00006",
      "reference_number": "001122",


To set one line item:

ZFAPPS.set('invoice.line_items[0], item).then((data) => { console.log(data) } ).catch((data) => console.log(data));


let item = 
        "item_order": 1,
        "item_id": "150033000000204568",
        "rate": 1,
        "name": "Addon 1",
        "description": "",
        "quantity": "1.00",
        "discount": "0%",
        "tax_id": "",
        "tags": [],
        "account_id": "150033000000000388",
        "unit": "cm"

To set line items in bulk:

    ZFAPPS.set('invoice.line_items, item).then((data) => { console.log(data) } ).catch((data) => console.log(data));


let items = [{
        "item_order": 1,
        "item_id": "150033000000204568",
        "rate": 1,
        "name": "Addon 2”,
        "description": "",
        "quantity": "1.00",
        "discount": "0%",
        "tax_id": "",
        "tags": [],
        "account_id": "150033000000000388",
        "unit": "cm"
        "item_order": 1,
        "item_id": "150033000000204569,
        "rate": 10,
        "name": "Addon 2”,
        "description": "",
        "quantity": "1.00",
        "discount": "0%",
        "tax_id": "",
        "tags": [],
        "account_id": "150033000000000389,
        "unit": "cm"

To set custom fields:

ZFAPPS.set('invoice.cf_<custom_field_name>', <value>).then(function (data) {
        //response Handling
        console.log('set', data);
 }).catch(function (error) {
        //error Handling
        console.log('error', error);

Notes: You can’t set custom fields of the following data types: lookup, external lookup, auto-generate number, and formula.


This method is used to invoke a third-party API or Zoho Books API from the widget. The connection_link_name defined in the plugin-manifest.json file will be invoked.

Notes: Sometimes, you need data from a third-party service that doesn’t need authorization. In that case, you do not need to add connection_link_name in the options.

var options = {
  url: '',
	method: "GET/PUT/POST/DELETE" ,
	url_query: [{
		key: 'QUERY_NAME',
		value: 'QUERY_VALUE'
		key: 'header-key',
		value: 'header-value'
	body: {
		mode: 'urlencoded/formdata/raw',
		urlencoded: [{
			key: 'KEYNAME',
			value: 'VALUE',
			type: 'encodedType'
		formdata: [{
			key: 'KEYNAME',
			value: 'VALUE'
		raw: 'RAWDATA'
	connection_link_name: 'zohodeskconnection'

ZFAPPS.request(options).then(function(value) {
    //response Handling
    let responseJSON = JSON.parse(;
}).catch(function(err) {
    //error Handling


   "code": "",
   "message": "Triggered Successfully",
      "body": {} // response of third party service
Name Type Description
options Object
Key Type Description
url URL URL of the third-party service.
method String Mention the type (GET/POST) of the request.
url_query(optional) Array Parameters of the request. { key : 'ParamName', value: 'ParamValue' }
header(optional) Array Header of the request. { key : 'HeaderName', value: 'HeaderValue' }.
connection_link_name(optional) String Value mentioned in the plugin-manifest.json.
attachments(optional) Array Attachment for payload request. { key : 'param name to send as' , value: file Instance }
Example, Zoho Books document upload API( /api/v3/documents)
attachments: [ { key: 'document', value: fileInstance }]
body(optional) Object
Key Description
mode Mode should either be urlencoded, formdata or raw.
Based on these modes, other keys are not needed.
urlencoded Array of key, value, and encodedType.
formdata Array of key and value.
raw rawdata


The invoke method is used to perform custom actions. It accepts two arguments, the name of an event that has to be trigged as the first argument and the corresponding value to the event that is passed as an object for the second argument.

Currently Zoho Books supports RESIZE and REFRESH_DATA options.


By default, Zoho Books supports a sidebar widget with a width of 350px. In case, you want to resize the widget, you can invoke the below RESIZE method:

ZFAPPS.invoke('RESIZE', { width: '100px', height: '100px'})
	.then(() => { console.log('Resized successfully');

Refresh Data

Let’s say you have a widget in the invoice details sidebar, and you want to trigger an API for changing the status of an invoice from Draft to Sent, but the status has not been updated in the invoice details page. In that case, to view the updated changes, the page needs to be reloaded.

Here is an example for refreshing the invoice details page:

ZFAPPS.invoke('REFRESH_DATA', 'invoice')
	.then(() => { console.log('Reloaded successfully');

Data Storage

Sometimes, the widgets you create might require data storage and retrieval capabilities. To help you in such cases, a data store is available to set store and get retrieve data.

The following APIs provide database management functionalities to widgets:

Notes: The key’s value can be a maximum of 20 characters.

Store`api_key`, {
   value: 'xxxxx'
}).then(function (data) {
    //response Handling
}).catch(function (err) {
    //error Handling

ZbooksClient.then(async function(App) {
   let user = await ZFAPPS.get('user.zuId');
   let user_id = user['user.zuId'];`api_key_${user_id}`, {
	value: 'xxxxx',
	visiblity: 'onlyme'
   }).then(function (data) {
      //response Handling
   }).catch(function (err) {
      //error Handling


    "messgage": "Stored Successfully",
    "api_key_XXXXX": "xxxxx"

Argument Name Data Type Description
Argument 1(Key) String Data to be stored corresponding to the key.
Argument 2 (ValueObject) Object
Key Description
value Value of the specified key.
visibility This option displays the key based on the visibility. You can choose Only me if you want the key to be visible to you alone, and Everyone, if you want to give access to everyone in the organisation.
By default it will be marked as Everyone

Note: If the visibility is set to "onlyme", you have to affix the user_id along with the param to store and retrieve data.Ex. api_key_${user_id}


Retrieves data from the data store.

ZFAPPS.retrieve('api_key').then(function (data) {
     //response Handling
}).catch(function (err) {
   //error Handling

//If visibllity of param is onlyme, append the user_id to retrive it
ZbooksClient.then(async function(App) {  
   let user = await ZFAPPS.get('user.zuId');
   let user_id = user['user.zuId'];

   ZFAPPS.retrieve(`api_key_${user_id}`).then(function (data) {
            //response Handling
   }).catch(function (err) {
            //error Handling


    "messgage": "Retrived Successfully",
    "api_key_XXXXX": "xxxxx"

Event APIs

You can configure the widget to receive information when an event occurs, such as, when adding a line item in an invoice or changing the customer while creating the invoice.

Open and Close Events{open-close-events}

Use the below code to open an event:

await App.instance.on('ON_WIDGET_OPEN', function(data) {
        console.log('widget opened', data);
         // any data that needs to be reset when opening the same widget the second time

Use the below code to close an event:

await App.instance.on('ON_WIDGET_CLOSE', function (data) {
        console.log('widget closed', data)

Notes: The open and close event methods are only applicable to sidebar widgets.

On Change

While you add/modify the input params like customer, entity_number, date, items etc., in Zoho Books, it’ll broadcast the event change. You can see the event and process the updated data.

Supported modules:

ZbooksClient.then(function(App) {     
   App.instance.on('ON_INVOICE_CHANGE', function () {
	// Actions

On Preview

In the transaction details page, when the customer transitions between the entity records, Zoho Books will broadcast the on_preview event. So you can see the event and process the updated data.

Supported modules:

ZbooksClient.then(function(App) {     
   App.instance.on('ON_INVOICE_PREVIEW', function () {
	// Actions

On Page Load

When you open a page in Zoho Books, the on_page_load event is broadcasted. You can use this event to define the actions to be triggered after the page has loaded.

Supported Modules:

ZbooksClient.then(function(App) {     
   App.instance.on('ON_EXPENSE_PAGE_LOAD', function () {
	// Actions


After the transaction is created, Zoho Books will broadcast the saved event. You can watch the event and write the required action to be triggered after the transaction is saved.

Notes: The saved event can be seen only by the background widgets.

Supported modules:

ZbooksClient.then(function(App) {     
   App.instance.on('INVOICE_SAVED', function () {
	// Actions

Pre Save

After the transaction is created, Zoho Books will broadcast before the saved event. You can watch the event and write the required action to be triggered before the transaction is saved.

Notes: The saved event can be seen only by the background widgets.

Supported modules:

ZbooksClient.then(function(App) {     
   App.instance.on('ON_INVOICE_PRE_SAVE', function () {
      // Actions Return false if you want to prevent from saving
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            prevent_save: false,
zapp.instance.on("ON_SETTINGS_WIDGET_PRE_SAVE", async () => {
    let data = await this.updateOrgVariable();
    if (data) {
        return {
            prevent_save: true,
    else {
        return {
            prevent_save: false,


  • This event is broadcast before the installation event.
  • Use prevent_save: false inside the event to stop the installation trigger.

Success and Failure Messages

Use the below code to display a success message

function showSuccessMsg() {
					type: 'success',
					message: 'This is a success message shown via a widget.'
				}).then(function (res) {
					console.log('success', res)
				}).catch(function (err) {
					console.error('error', err)

Use the below code to display a success message

function showErrorsMsg() {
					type: 'error',
					message: 'This is an error message shown via a widget.'
				}).then(function (res) {
					console.log('success', res)
				}).catch(function (err) {
					console.error('error', err)

Show Modal

Display widget as a modal in the application.

Notes: If you want to display the widget as a modal instead of a sidebar, you’ll have to add “widget_type” : “modal” in the plugin-manifest.json for that specific widget.

ZbooksClient.then(function(App) {     
        url: "/app/modal.html#/?route=modal"

Close Modal

You can use the following method to close the modal.

ZbooksClient.then(function(App) {     

Confirmation Modal

You can use the following method to display a confirmation modal.

	title: 'Message',
	message: 'Confirmatin Modal',
	primaryButtonName: 'OK',
	secondaryButtonName: 'Close',
	description: 'This is how a confirmation modal will look like.'
}).then(function (result) {
	console.log('after launch');
}).catch(function (error) {

If the confirmation modal does not require a secondary button, remove the line secondaryButtonName and replace it with isSecondaryButtonNeeded: false.

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