Record Locking Information APIs

Record Locking Information APIs allows you to lock records, unlock records, view locking information of locked records and edit locking information of locked records.

GET Record Locking Information


To retrieve the locking information details of locked records.

Request Details

Request URL

To get specific record locking id:


Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken d92d4xxxxxxxxxxxxx15f52


scope=ZohoCRM.modules.lockinginformation.All (or) scope=ZohoCRM.modules.lockinginformation.Read
scope=ZohoCRM.modules.All (or) scope=ZohoCRM.modules.{module_name}.{operation_type}

Possible module names

leads, accounts, contacts, deals, tasks, cases, solutions, vendors, pricebooks, quotes, salesorders, purchaseorders, invoices and custom

Possible operation types

All - Full access to the record
READ - Read records from the module

Sample Request

Copiedcurl ",Locked_Reason__s,Lock_Source__s,Locked_Time__s,Locked_By__s,Record_Locking_Rule_Id__s,Record_Locking_Configuration_Id__s,Owner,Parent_Id"
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"
  • fields string, mandatory when record locking id is not specified in the end point.

    Specify field names required in the response. You can specify multiple field API names that are separated by comma.
    Possible values:
    Locked_For__s, Locked_Reason__s, Lock_Source__s, Locked_Time__s, Locked_By__s, Record_Locking_Rule_Id__s, Record_Locking_Configuration_Id__s, Owner, Parent_Id


  • For custom modules, only those created by users will support record locking. Custom modules created through extensions, integrations, or other means are not supported.

Response JSON Keys

  • Locked_By__sJSON object

    Represents the details of the user who locked the record. For automatic record locking, this JSON object will be populated with null.

    • namestring

      Represents the name of the user who locked the record.

    • idlong

      Represents the ID of the user who locked the record.

  • Locked_For__sJSON object

    Represents the details of the locked record.

    • moduleJSON object

      Represents the details of the module of the locked record.

      • api_namestring

        Represents the API name of the module of the locked record.

      • idlong

        Represents the ID of the module of the locked record.

    • namestring

      Represents the name of the locked record.

    • idlong

      Represents the ID of the locked record.

  • Locked_Reason__sstring

    Represents the reason the record is locked. For automatic record locking, this JSON object will be populated with null.

  • Lock_Source__sstring

    Indicates whether the record was manually locked or automatically locked.
    Possible values: Manual, Automatic.

  • Locked_Time__sstring

    Represents the time when the record was locked.

  • Record_Locking_Configuration_Id__slong

    Represents the ID of the record locking configuration.

  • Record_Locking_Rule_Id__slong

    Represents the ID of the record locking configuration rule. For manual record locking, this JSON object will be populated with null.

  • idlong

    Represents the ID of locking information.

Possible Errors


    One of the expected parameters is missing.
    Resolution: The "details" key in the response gives the missing param in the request. Ensure that you include the params marked "mandatory" in the "Parameters" section.


    Required Record Locking Configuration is not present.
    Resolution: Create record lock configuration in your org.


    The relation id given seems to be invalid.
    Resolution: Provide valid module id.


    The related id given seems to be invalid.
    Resolution: Provide valid locking information id.


    Record Locking Configuration is not supported in your edition.
    Resolution: Contact your administrator.


    Record Locking Configuration is not supported for the profile of the user.
    Resolution: Contact your administrator.


    The http request method type is not a valid one.
    Resolution: You have specified an invalid HTTP method to access the API URL. Specify a valid request method. Refer to endpoints section above.


    Internal Server Error
    Resolution: Unexpected and unhandled exception in the server. Contact the support team.

Sample Response

Copied	{
    "data": [
            "Locked_By__s": {
                "name": "Patricia Boyle",
                "id": "5843104000000424672"
            "Locked_For__s": {
                "module": {
                    "api_name": "Leads",
                    "id": "5843104000000002175"
                "name": "Theola Frey (Sample)",
                "id": "5843104000000425566"
            "Locked_Reason__s": "deal in progress",
            "Record_Locking_Configuration_Id__s": "5843104000000758004",
            "Record_Locking_Rule_Id__s": null,
            "$editable": true,
            "id": "5843104000000804005",
            "$sharing_permission": "full_access",
            "Lock_Source__s": "Manual",
            "Locked_Time__s": "2023-09-05T05:13:36-04:00"
    "info": {
        "per_page": 200,
        "next_page_token": null,
        "count": 1,
        "page": 1,
        "previous_page_token": null,
        "page_token_expiry": null,
        "more_records": false