Trips Analytics

The reports under this category can be used to analyze the business trips undertaken during a specified period.

Trip Details

View a complete summary of the business trips undertaken during a given period. Details regarding the travel type, trip status, destination city, destination country, user who created the trip, approver of the trip, and the budget amount will be listed in the report.

Trips Details Analytics

Trip Stage Summary

Get an outlook of all the completed, ongoing, upcoming, and cancelled trips of your organisation in the form of a chart. Click a stage and get a detailed report of the trips in that stage.

Trips Stage Summary

Trip Summary by Report Status

In this report, you can view a chart that displays the status of the expense reports that are associated with the trips raised by the employees. If you click any of the report statuses, that is, Unsubmitted, Submitted, Approved, and Reimbursed in the chart, details regarding the trips to which the expense reports in the selected status are associated will be displayed.

Trips Summary by Report Status

Time Taken for Booking

This report shows the time taken for booking a flight, hotel, train, or bus for a business trip.

Time Taken for Booking

Booking Stage Time Summary

View the time taken for adding an option, selecting an option, and booking a ticket for a business trip. Also, the time taken for adding each trip option, that is, flight, hotel, train, and bus will be clearly tabulated.

Booking Stage Time Summary
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