Other Actions for Custom Modules

Let’s have a look at the various actions that can be performed in a custom module.

Bulk Update

You can update the fields for multiple records at once using the Bulk Update feature.

Bulk Update

Edit or Delete Records

You can edit or delete the records in your custom module.

To edit the record:

Edit Record

To delete the record:

Delete Record

Clone Records

If you want to create a record which has details similar to an existing record, you can clone it. Here’s how:


Edit or Delete Custom Modules

You can edit or delete the custom modules you created in Zoho Books.

To edit the custom module:

Edit module

To delete:

Edit module

Export Custom Modules

You can export all your custom module records that are in Zoho Books to your system in the CSV, XLS or XLSX format. Here’s how:

Fields Description
Module Select the module you want to export. By default, the custom module will be selected.
Export Options - If you want to only export the records and not the tables, select Export records without tables.
- If you want to only export a table’s data, select Export a table’s data and select the required Table.
Date Range Export all records of the custom module or select a specific period for which you want to export the records.
Export Template - If you want to export only certain fields, you can select a template. If you don’t have an export template, you can create a new one by clicking + Add New.
- If you don’t select a template, all fields will be exported.
Export File Format Select the format in which you want to export the file.
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) If there is any personally identifiable information in the records you are exporting, check Include Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII) while exporting.
Password Enter a password to secure the export file.
Export a custom module's records or tables


You can automate and create workflows using your custom modules based on your business needs.

Zoho Analytics Integration

If you integrate with Zoho Analytics, you can generate reports in Zoho Analytics for the custom modules you have created in Zoho Books.

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