Integrate Zoho Books with Slack

The integration with Slack allows you to easily monitor your customers’ customer portal activities in Slack. The notifications that are triggered based on your customers’ actions in the customer portal gets simultaneously pushed into your preferred Slack channel. This saves a great deal of time as the integration brings all the information in one place, thereby keeping all the members of the team on the same page.

Scenario: Zylker Corp. uses Slack for internal communication and Zoho Books for accounting. They #sales channel on Slack is used by their Sales team. The team’s day-to-day activities involve contacting customers, sending quotes, closing deals, keeping track of sales, etc,. All the customers used their Customer Portal to communicate with the company’s employees and it was difficult to view the status of each transaction. Then they integrated with Slack to push all the customer portal notifications from Zoho Books to the Slack channel.

Connect to Slack

To integrate with Slack:

Add to Slack button

Slack Login

Choose Slack channel

When you setup this integration, your Slack URL and credentials will be shared with Slack.

Receive Notifications

Once the integration is setup, you will receive notifications to the chosen Slack channel. For example, if your customer rates your service from their customer portal, you will immediately receive a notification with details about the rating and the review.

Slack integration view

Similarly you will receive the following notifications when your customers:

1. View a Quote/Invoice/Retainer Invoice

View quote or invoice

2. Accept/Decline a Quote

Accept/Decline quote

3. Comment on a Quote/Invoice/Retainer Invoice


4. Pay for an Invoice/Retainer Invoice


5. Rate/Review your service


You will also receive weekly summary notifications(if enabled) directly into your slack channel.

Weekly Report

Disable the integration

To disable the integration:

Add to Slack button

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