Self-Billed Invoices

This help document is applicable only to the UAE, KSA, Bahrain and the UK editions of Zoho Inventory.

Self-billed invoices are raised in cases where the customers decide to raise a bill for themselves (self bill) on behalf of their vendors (suppliers). Let’s consider a scenario. You have a business. You get supplies from your vendor. In this case, you can raise a bill for yourself on behalf your the vendor. Since you are billing yourself the invoice which is supposed to come from the vendor, we call it a self-billed invoice. In this bill, you can mention the goods or services that had have ordered and the tax associated with it.

The tax generated in the self-billed invoices will be the output VAT of the supplier and the input VAT of the self biller.

How does it work?

For a customer to start raising self-billed invoices:


Some of the criteria that needs to be fulfilled by the supplier and the self-biller include:

Benefits of self-billed invoices

Creating a Self-Billed Invoice

To create a self-billed invoice:

Self Billed Invoices

Self Billed Invoices

The self-billed invoices will be displayed along with your other bills.

Recording Payments

You can record the payment for the self billed invoice by the following steps:

Record Payment

Record Payment

Note: If you wish to record only a part of the payment, you can enter the appropriate amount. The status of the bill will be Partially Paid.

Payments Received

After you have recorded the payment, you can either edit or delete the payments received for that bill.

Payments Received

You can either:

  1. Click the Edit icon to change the payment details.
  2. Click the Delete icon to delete the payments received.

Other Actions

To perform any action on a self bill invoice:

After you have selected the self-billed invoice, you can see the following actions on the top-right corner of the self-billed invoice:

Other Actions

Fields Description
Edit Click the edit icon to change details in the self billed invoice.
PDF Click the PDF icon to download the self billed invoice in PDF format.
Print Click the print icon to print the self billed invoice.
Clone If you want to create a new self billed invoice with similar details of the selected self billed invoice click More and then select Clone.