Integrate Zoho Books with Square

Square Register serves as a full point-of-sale system for businesses to accept payments, track inventory, and analyze sales data, all in one free app. Now all Square sellers can integrate with Zoho Books to help track sales on a daily basis.

Note: This integration is available only for organizations using the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom and Australia editions of Zoho Books.

ON THIS PAGE you will learn about:

Highlights of Square Integration


Sync the information from Square Register to accounts in Zoho Books to keep track of the money Square owes you.
You can select the appropriate accounts from your Chart of Accounts or create an account in the setup page to track sales, refunds, square fees, tips and other transactions in Zoho Books.

Setting up Square Integration

To set up Square Integration:

Setting up square

On clicking Connect, you will be navigated to the Square login page. You will be asked to enter square credentials to connect with Zoho Books.

Connecting to Square


Click on Allow in the permission page to complete the connection with Zoho Books. Once the connection is successful, you will be directed to the Square set up page in Zoho Books.

Set Up Location

Once you have connected to Square, you will be directed to the Square setup page in Zoho Books. Here, select the location you’ve set up in your square account to configure your settings for tracking sales. Also note, you will be able to track sales for a single location only.

In the screen that appears,

Select location

Note: This setting is available only for users who integrate with Square after 1 March 2018. If you are an existing user, you can always migrate your organisation to Square 2.0 by clicking the Upgrade link on your Zoho Books Dashboard.

Square Sync Start Date

Sync Start Date

Set the sync date from when you wish to have Zoho Books create daily sales invoices generated for your business from Square. The sales invoice will start generating from the next day.
On selecting a historical date, the sync starts immediately. A single sales invoice will be generated for your historical sales until today’s date, daily sales invoice generation starts after that.

Sync date can be set up to 30 days before the current date.

Card & Cash Sales

Card & Cash Sales

Card Sales

Clearing Account:
A clearing account is usually a temporary account containing costs or amounts that are to be transferred to another account. In this case, the account will track the amount Square owes you which will be deposited in your bank account later.

Bank Account:
Select the account into which Square deposits your sales amount.

Cash Sales

What should Zoho Books do?
Assign an action for the cash transactions that are recorded by you in Square.

Cash Clearing Account:
This is another clearing account to track the cash transactions in your business from Square.

Mapping Taxes

Tax mapping for Zoho Books with Square

Set taxes in your Zoho Books account to map the taxes you have created in Square for your business. Make sure both the taxes are mapped accurately, as this will help in reporting the tax amount to the tax authority.

Tax Authority (Only for US Edition): Non-taxable sales will be reported to this tax authority.

Click on Advanced Options for sections explaining accounts to track data from Square.

Advanced Options

This section explains the accounts which would be tracking data from Square. Consult your accountant or bookkeeper on filing up these fields if unsure.

Accounts to track from Square

Note: Choose accounts if already created from the drop down or type to add the account in the respective sync field.

Sales Account:
This is an income account where your sales from Square is tracked.

Refund Account:
Square sales refunds issued are tracked in this account.

Discount Account:
Discounts offered on your sales in Square are tracked in this account.

Note: Sales, Refund and discount accounts come under Income account (in Chart of Accounts).

  • You can track them in the same account, by selecting a single income account for all of them.

Tips Account: Choose a liability account (in Chart of Accounts) to track the tips received in your business.

Note: this account comes under Other Current Liabilities, as the tips provided are generally given back to the employees. This will make the tips as a liability for your business rather than an income.

Fees Account:
Processing charges in Square for your daily sales is tracked in this account.

Sales Invoice Configuration

Field Description
Customer Name Enter the name in which you wish your sales invoices from Square to be created.
Invoice Number Prefix This will act as the prefix for the sales invoice created from Square.
The prefix can be changed later, but the sequence of numbers following the prefix will not change.

Sales Invoice from Square

Your everyday sales from Square is generated as a Sales Invoice in your Zoho Books account.

The transactions done in Zoho Books via Square will not be included in the sales invoice that is created.

Sales Invoice

These are the items fields which will appear in the sales invoice generated to give you a detailed idea of the transactions that happened.

Sales Invoice

  1. Net Credit Card Sales: The total sales in your store that happened through credit card minus the tax.

  2. Suspense Line Items: This field provides the information on the taxable sales and the taxes applied on the taxable sales. The adjustment are tracked using suspense account as Zoho Books needs it to be calculated.
    Two line items are created for each tax rate used. For example if 4 tax rates are used, then 8 suspense line items will be created.

  3. Square Fees: Processing fee that Square charges is denoted in this field. This amount is deposited in the Fees Account in Zoho Books.

  4. Taxes Applied: These are the different taxes that are applied on your Amount Taxable. These taxes are configured in Square and also mapped to the taxes you have added in Zoho Books account.


You can monitor the activities of this integration from enabling integration with Square, updating settings or when the sales invoice is created. Navigate to Reports > Activity and select Activity Logs.

Activity logs

To view the activity log related to Square, select the Square option from the Activity Related To drop down and choose a specified date range for which the activity needs to be listed.

Monitoring Sales Information in Zoho Books with Square

This section will help you in understanding how to monitor the sales information from Square with Clearing Account in Zoho Books so you can regularly check with the amount Square owes you.

Clearing Account

Navigate to the banking module and select the Clearing Account which you have added for tracking the amount Square owes you.

Clearing Account

In Square

Select the Sales Summary and specify the date range from Square Dashboard to view the sales information.

Square Account

Monitoring the Amount Deposited

Amount deposited in your bank account by Square can be monitored using the banking module.

Monitoring bank deposit

When Square transfers the amount to your bank account, a record will be created in Zoho Books as Transfer Fund. To check this navigate to the Banking tab and select the Clearing Account you configured.

Transaction Charges

The online transaction fees will depend upon the charges specified by Square.

Connect Zoho Book to Square and simplify online payments.

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